Barbara Walters had an interview with Kathleen Turner a number of years ago, during which she remarked on the latter’s “low, lovely voice.” During her response, the actress imitated a whiny, nasal sound, stating that she could not comprehend how a woman could spend thousands of dollars on her clothing, hair, and makeup without spending some of that money on her voice. She responded by saying that she could not understand how a woman could do that. Many individuals are completely oblivious to the fact that their voice may be conveying a message about them, despite the fact that image is something that the majority of people are quite worried about. It is not the sound that you hear in your brain that I am referring to; rather, the voice that I am referring to is the one that you hear on your voicemail or whatever else using recording technology. Is it feasible that the way you speak might be the reason why you are not obtaining that promotion or getting that specific job? It takes happen more often than you would believe. whenever you have the voice of a kid (and are over 21). A young lady was sent to me by her employer because she had a voice that sounded like that of a kid and was not creating a good impression with her banking clients. She even resorted to using baby language at times. Pat was taken aback when she realized that her voice was indeed hers since it sounded so much more mature. After some time had passed, her bank called me to express their gratitude, commenting that not only did Pat sound professional, but that her whole manner had changed. Now, she walked with a sense of purpose. I will explain why the soft-spoken voice is not selling. To put it another way, if your words are not being heard, then the message you are trying to convey is irrelevant. During the weekly management meetings, an employee of 3M named Don did not participate in the discussion because he was continually interrupted. This prevented him from providing his ideas. When he finally figured out how to properly raise his volume, he was astounded by the fact that everyone paid attention to him at the next meeting he attended. If you want other people to pay attention to what you have to say, you need to talk at a volume level that is usual; otherwise, they will take control of the discussion. People will stop paying attention to you if you speak at a high volume. Although the loud voice is not as frequent as the soft-spoken voice, it does have its own set of concerns, the most significant of which is that it may cause discomfort to the ears of those who are listening to you. She came to visit me because her coworkers and her employer were constantly telling her to “tone it down.” Angie, a wonderful lady from Texas, came to see me because of this matter. Angie was overjoyed when she realized that she was speaking in her own voice. The loudness of her voice was lower, and the qualities of her sound were more pleasant. The roughness and shrillness that had been there in her voice had long since disappeared. The signs of excessive nasality are similar to nails on a chalkboard. Speaking with an excessive amount of nose is irritating. Rich was warned that he would not advance in his career unless he took action to improve his voice, which was similar of the nasal twang that Fran Drescher had in the nanny. As a result, he took quick action to address the issue. Upon discovering his true voice, he had such a profound transformation that he was presented with an opportunity to work in project management, which was a significant departure from his previous job function. His manager made the following observation: “I feel as if you have matured ten years.” What is the level of your diction? It is essential to have clear speech if you want other people to comprehend what you are trying to convey, regardless of whether you are from Texas, Toronto, or Timbuktu. There are three things that might cause your diction to be affected: muttering, thick dialects, and accents. Mohammed’s accent was quite thick, and he desired to speak in a more distinct manner. Because he was a real estate agent, he was aware that his customers were having trouble comprehending him. He made the observation that it was worthwhile to drive through a blizzard from Ohio to New Jersey in order to learn how to speak more effectively after attending a training that lasted for two days. His speech reflected the increased self-assurance he was experiencing. All five individuals were instructed in the same method, which was to make use of their chest cavity in order to power and magnify their voice. This was done rather than attempting to treat each difficulty with a specific workout individually. The majority of individuals are not conscious of their chest, and as a result, they do not use it in this capacity. Instead, they depend on their other four vocal resonators, which are the voice box, throat, mouth, and nasal cavities, to make their own sounds. Changing the placement of your voice will allow you to discover a deeper, richer, and warmer voice, which will result in the following: 1. a more mature quality of sound; 2. an increase of the softer volume to a normal level; 3. a decrease of the louder volume to a normal level; 4. the elimination of nasality; and 5. improved articulation. To paraphrase what Kathleen Turner said to Barbara Walter, “the power of the voice is thrilling as heck!” Your voice should not be allowed to damage your career. Turn it into an advantage rather than a problem. As the only video training program on voice enhancement, the Voice Lady Nancy Daniels provides individual, corporate, and group courses in voice and presenting skills. Additionally, she is the creator of voicing it!, which is a video training program. You should view the ‘before and after’ video clip of Trish if you are interested in seeing and hearing a significant transformation, from a childish to a warm and mature person.

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