The federal government’s proposals to integrate the 12 percent and 18 percent gst slabs, a concept that has garnered support from a number of states, are the imprint of the central government’s reference to fundamental reforms to the Goods and Services Tax (GST). We will discuss the panel and make recommendations for structural adjustments in this article in order to increase the amount of GST income. notice of structural adjustments that would boost the overall GST income. The gst panel’s medal to structural changes to gst comes in the wake of plans by the central government to combine the 12 percent and 18 percent gst slabs, a notion that has coordinated assistance among certain states. The medal awarded to structural changes to gst comes in the aftermath of these plans. Given the necessity to make up for the gap in the states’ gst revenue receipts, a parliamentary panel has informed the finance ministry that the government needs to make structural changes in the administration of the goods and services tax (GST) and will need to increase compliance in order to stimulate revenues. A number of states have reported revenue losses as a result of the COVID-19, which has had an effect on the collection of GST. This is a situation that calls for criteria to increase compliance. it is the standing committee of the parliament. Furthermore, in light of the current economic situation, the committee would therefore request that the government initiate all possible measures, both structural and enforcement related, to improve the collection of goods and services tax (GST), which has been showing an upward trend over the past few months. the Ministry of Finance has issued an additional notice Furthermore, the panel’s reference to structural changes to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) comes in the aftermath of suggestions made by the central government to consolidate the 12 percent and 18 percent GST slabs, a notion that has garnered support from a number of states. The purpose of this explanation is to explain the reduction in the incidence of indirect taxes on transactions that occurred after the deployment of the GST. Despite the fact that India has implemented a number of revolutionary changes in order to boost revenue collections, the country’s tax buoyancy has not been commensurate to the growth in income and wealth. It is estimated that the ratio of taxes to gross domestic product (GDP) in industrialized nations is somewhere between 25 and 26 percent. have a better understanding of the panel’s recommendations for structural improvements to increase GST revenues.