There is a tendency for us to not give it much thought since the voice that we hear in our heads is so persuasive. However, when we are presented by our own voice on an iPhone or voicemail, we are unable to believe what we are hearing. It’s a little bit like looking in the mirror when you’re fifty pounds overweight and seeing yourself fifty pounds lighter than you were initially. I am able to recall a single lady who participated in one of my classes. However, when she saw herself on camera, she was shocked by the way her hair was styled. Due to the fact that she was used to seeing a reflection of herself in the mirror, she was not seeing the actual image. When I look in the mirror, I am not conscious of the fact that my left eye is drooping. However, I am able to perceive the reality in a photograph. Image is unquestionably important. To what extent were you aware that your voice, which is the one that you hear when recording equipment is used, constitutes 37 percent of that image? Is it a realization that you find comforting, or is it something that you would prefer avoid confronting entirely? Your voice is really much superior. It is what I refer to as your “genuine” or authentic voice. To clarify, I am not referring to the metaphorical meaning. Quite literally, you have a more impressive voice. There is a sound that is present inside you that is not nasal, whiny, throaty, weak, excessively high-pitched, excessively soft, or excessively loud; rather, it is distinguished by depth and width. It is true that it has a lower pitch, but it also offers a wider range of sound reproduction. James Earl Jones has a voice that is so expansive that it completely fills the space whenever he speaks. To clarify, I am not referring to a loud voice or even a significant amount of loudness. To be more specific, I am referring to a voice that is audible across a room of sufficient size without having a particularly loud loudness. Another name for this is the width of sound. As soon as you discover your own voice, you will become aware that it has a friendly character. That one descriptor is sufficient to characterize each and every individual who is speaking in their own voice. This warmth is what captures your attention and compels you to want to listen to what others have to say. This trait may be found in the voices of a number of famous people, including Catherine Turner, George Clooney, Morgan Freeman, Kate Beckinsale, Felicia Rashad, Peter Coyote, and Cher. Voice training is something you should think about if you are someone who places a high value on appearance and if you find yourself recoiling when you hear yourself on your iPhone or any other type of recording equipment. This is because your natural voice is a strong instrument. Additionally, there is a possibility that you may come across a voice that is on par with that of Julia Ormond or Dennis Haysbert! As the only video training program on voice enhancement, the Voice Lady Nancy Daniels provides individual, corporate, and group courses in voice and presenting skills. Additionally, she is the creator of voicing it!, which is a video training program. You should view the ‘before and after’ video clip of Trish if you are interested in seeing and hearing a significant transformation, from a childish to a warm and mature person.

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