Wing chun dummy exercises assist you in developing all the necessary abilities to put the avoid-using-force-against-force concept into practice: appropriate angle (of deflection), balance, precision, timing, mobility, placement, quickness, flow, and power. in addition to a few other competencies. Toughness is maybe the most well-liked quality you will get or possibly gain from wooden-dummy training. Wing Chun utilizes the palms and forearms to block kicks, such as in the rolling block and cross-arm block, so it’s important to toughen these areas, which wooden dummy training completely accomplishes. The wing chun dummy has the same potential to help you improve your visual and contact reactions during wing chun training, although not being as dynamic as a genuine sparring partner. It does this by teaching you how to execute strikes and blocks in harmony with one another, creating dodge-and-counter combos that are almost synchronous. There is a moment of contact when your block deflects the real oncoming blow, or the arm of the wooden dummy that displays the attacker’s actual limb, before you execute your counterstrike. This interaction will most likely serve as your signal to launch an assault. However, your quick block and attack often seem to come more or less at the same time to onlookers. Contact with the wing chun dummy eventually becomes your trigger for launching a counterattack. Using a wing chun dummy during your training improves your visual reflexes as well as your contact reflexes, which is an important component of real fighting expertise. It could need more concentration and creativity than just honing your touch responses, however, since you have to behave as if you have no idea what the form will ask of you next. You really train your eyes to lock onto your wooden attacker before you follow up by letting yourself be often taken aback by the next strike. I respect the man who practices one technique 10,000 times; I fear not the man who practices 10,000 techniques once. The classic Chinese proverb makes it extremely evident what is necessary to reach the highest degree in any martial art: practice. Thousands and thousands of repetitions of the blocks, strikes, and kicks in your style will enable you to use your methods and techniques in a manner that is nearly instinctive and natural. Lacking this kind of planning will force you to think about what you should be doing next during a battle when you should be doing it already. Traditional wing chun instructors emphasize on their students the need of practice by stressing that improving their own reflexes is crucial. They also emphasize that when it comes to self-defense, one cannot depend only on a repertoire of copied techniques. To ensure that your response is precise in terms of time, balance, and precision, you must absorb the teachings from the wooden dummy and use them into your wing chun training. precautions to take while practicing with wooden dummies Since most wing chun dummies are constructed of teak, it is imperative that you practice all of your offensive and defensive techniques gently and softly at first in order to lessen the effects that your body is taking in. then over time, as your technique and accuracy develop, you could put more and more effort and purpose into it. The palms and the inside and outside of the forearms are often the arm blocking locations used in wing chun dummy training. The outside and inside of the legs, just below the knees, make up the lower body. Whatever body part you utilize for contact, extreme caution should be used to lessen the force applied to the wing chun wooden dummy by your bones and pressure points. Your primary weapons while using your hands to attack are your knuckles, your phoenix knuckles, the side of your palm, and the heel of your palm. Regarding the feet, you use your heel, side foot, and real ball of the foot. You might even exercise with your elbows and knees provided the wing chun wooden dummy is sufficiently cushioned. But please be advised that if you don’t have the right cushioning, you might end up with serious injuries to your arms and legs. Always remember that your main objective will most likely be to deflect the approaching force. You should avoid trying to confront an adversary directly. You will, therefore, improve your deflection skills while lowering your chance of injury if you practice to use that theory before attempting to progressively increase your speed and force. As long as they are very patient and cautious in the early phases of training, beginners may definitely benefit from the wing chun dummy without running the unwarranted risk of damage. The secret is to gently touch the wing chun dummy until your body reaches the proper conditioning point. Developing a solid foundational skill set is the ultimate aim of wing chun dummy training, which you can use when the time comes to practice with a real partner. that could then enable you to react without giving it much thought while taking the appropriate actions and principles into consideration. With an old wing chun dummy buddy serving as your guide, you’ll be as equipped as possible to handle any difficulty that arises, no matter where your wing chun training adventure takes you. Wing Chun Phantasm about Wing Chun