In the event that you have lately ended a relationship with a partner, you could find some solace in the encounters of the quotations that they have discovered to express this agony, as well as in the experiences of others who have gone through a broken heart before you. Over the course of the years, a number of outstanding philosophers and writers, in addition to a few of our many suffering A-listers, have provided their very own damaged center estimations. I will consider what you could learn from the few conventional estimations that are included below if you are experiencing heartbreak but do not want for your partnership to come to an end. It is important to remember that love is great. That love does not begin and end in the manner in which we seem to assume it does is a common misconception. On the other hand, love is not that readily subdued. There is always the possibility that love may reappear and be restored, even when we believe that it has ended. This is because love does not always come to an end. There is often a desire that love has not yet come to an end, if it continues to take place somewhere, in both of the hearts of the individuals involved. Avoid becoming mentally persistent, as the phrase “to cheat oneself out of love may be the many dreadful deceptiveness” suggests. It is possible that other factors might be the cause of numerous regrets. Devote some time to oneself, as the saying goes, “I recover myself when I’m by myself” (marilyn monroe). It is important to remember to take some time to repair and recharge yourself if you find yourself in a circumstance where you are by yourself, such as when you have just ended a relationship. Although these pauses are often necessary for gaining a better knowledge of both yourself and your relationship, you should not wallow in the pain of the breakup. Allow your thoughts to stray away from the circumstance, even if it is just for a short period of time, by engaging in a hobby or interest. If you are given a second opportunity, it is said that “the way to love something is to recognize that it may be gone” (g.k. chesterton) A fresh beginning is possible if the appropriate attitude is taken and love is present in both of your hearts. On the other hand, as this saying about a shattered heart demonstrates, you should approach that rekindled love as if it were still in danger of being lost at any time. It is essential that you treat love as if it were priceless, but at the same time, you must avoid being too careful. Despite the fact that love is frail, it cannot be stored away like a priceless relic.