To put it another way, machine learning is a school of thought or an area of study that focuses on the study of algorithms that are able to learn from data and then use that information to generate predictions. In addition to being one of the tools used in data science, it is capable of doing a significant number of data science jobs. In reality, it is a subfield of computer science rather than a subsidiary of the field of data science. In order to provide you with information, we are in the process of developing an online careers portal called datasciencejobs. This portal is intended for individuals who are either interested in working in the field of big data or who are already employed in the field and are looking for careers that are specifically related to the fields of data science, machine learning, deep learning, data analytics, big data, and statistics. Please send an email to if you would like to be included to our email list in order to get information about employment possibilities and other relevant updates.