According to the College Board of the United States of America, the Advanced Placement Calculus BC course is a course that lasts for a whole year and includes all of the subjects that are covered in a calculus ab course, in addition to some extra topics. It is difficult to conceive how much more work extra subjects will need, despite the fact that the AP Calculus Ab test itself is a challenging one to pass. The advanced placement calculus bc exam, on the other hand, is the best option for students who have established a deep passion for the subject of calculus. There is no other option that could be more suitable. When students in high school have successfully completed this examination, they will be able to lay the foundation for studying the same subject in college as well. Due to the fact that it covers all of the fundamentals that are necessary for passing the test with flying colors, the book “The 5 Steps to a 5 Calculus AP BC 2014-2015” is an excellent choice to pick up. Students are provided with assistance in developing an appropriate study regimen as the very first thing that the AP Calculus BC 2014–2015 ebook accomplishes for them. In order for pupils to have any chance of succeeding on this challenging examination, they must first learn how to effectively manage their time. Because the book provides students with three different sorts of timetables, they are able to choose the one that best fits their needs and preferences. After they have determined how they can make the most of their time, they may next make an effort to determine how well they are able to handle the real topic at hand and how skilled they are in it. In addition, there is a diagnostic examination that offers a comprehensive evaluation of the candidates’ real level of knowledge in the subject matter. In addition, this is an excellent method for outlining the specific areas in which the pupils need to focus the majority of their attention. In addition, the book provides a number of strategies and procedures that may be used to guarantee that the examination is finished in the most effective approach. There are directions on how to approach each question, as well as instructions on how to get the most of the graphing calculator. In the next parts, we will be focusing on all of the fundamental ideas, techniques, and important words that are at the core of the AP Calculus BC course. The ideas of limits, the definition and function of functions, continuity and the accompanying theorems, differentiation and approximation of derivatives are some of the topics that are discussed in this book. In addition to that, there are whole sections that are dedicated to graphs of functions and variations. Due to the fact that calculus is strongly dependent on the application of derivatives, a significant amount of attention has been dedicated to the specific topic. After students have shown that they have mastered all of these topics, they may go through the practice examinations that are included in the book while keeping a timer close at hand. The students will have a fantastic opportunity to acquire a feel for how things may be in the actual examination room since these assessments are constructed precisely as per the format of the actual test. William Ma, the author of this book, is now serving as the main chair in the mathematics department of the New York Herricks school system. However, in addition to that, he is also the creator of the online study guides, which are often used by students who are preparing for the mathematics examinations that are administered by the state of New York.