Words and numbers are the two main components of the internet. People use words to search the internet. Numbers indicate how often certain words and phrases are looked for. Imagine for a moment what it would be like to know not only the terms that individuals were using in their searches, but also how often they were using them. You get my meaning. Say you were aware of the ideal keywords. Because you would know what future online searchers would be looking for, you could essentially create web sites around terms that would attract a lot of them! It’s not necessary for you to envision anything since, in fact, Google electronically monitors and counts each word and phrase used in a web search, compares and evaluates all of the data, and then makes it public. Even while two keywords or keyword phrases may seem to be almost identical to us, there might be significant variations in how often one term is used compared to another. Here’s an illustration. Imagine you want to write a blog article and are curious whether it matters if the longtail keyword you use is make my blog or make your blog. Your gut feeling and astute online research indicate that it won’t matter since the keywords only vary by one word—a little pronoun. However, you’ve been around the internet block a few times and have an icon for a free keyword research application called market samurai on your desktop. You open the program and contrast make my blog with make your blog. You’ll be surprised to see this: make my blog The identical term make your blog appears on 49,000 web pages and 1,088 global searches per day. On the same page as these results, you see a little box called SEO that you discover indicates the expected daily traffic for the top (first) web page of Google’s search results. 2,433 global searches each day/45,300 web pages include that identical term. It demonstrates that the website that appears as the top result when someone searches for make my blog receives around 457 visits daily. make your blog receives 1,022 visits daily on average. This tale has a lesson: strength comes from having information and using it appropriately. Today’s free keyword research tools, such as Google AdWords Keyword Tool and Market Samurai, may swiftly find and compare potential keywords for your internet marketing campaign, blog post, or informational website. You will be able to quickly compare words and phrases since a vast amount of information is now freely accessible to anyone. Naturally, however, you don’t have to spend the time required for keyword research. You may be carefree, overweight, illiterate, and content, but don’t expect to rank well on Google or get a lot of visitors. Click to get your free, no-risk, no-purchase market samurai keyword tool.