The new “Aarhus School of Architecture” is planned to establish a new hybrid arrangement, in which an up-to-date architectural typology will interact with the existing historic buildings… This proposal in Denmark is conceived of by ar. Paolo Venturella as a volume that “jumps” over an existing brick warehouse, producing an innovative approach to the preservation of the building while simultaneously arranging the functions of its external and internal spaces. The new construction creates an outdoor pathway that extends from one side to the other and is designed to resemble an organic free-flow. At the same time, it produces two distinct levels within the interior space. On the lower level, common facilities like workshops, exhibitions, shops, and a civic kitchen are located; these are places where students and citizens can easily interact with one another. On the upper level, meeting rooms, offices, administration, staff, and storage are produced. The sloping surface is used for the place that is considered to be the most recognizable and typical of the neighborhood: a massive set of “urban stairs.” This acts as a filter between communal and private areas, and it is here that one will discover the theater for giving lectures, the hall for teaching and presenting, the m-lab and the workspaces for demonstrating to visitors what students investigate and how they operate. The warehouse has been renovated, and it is now utilized to accommodate artists, craftsmen, and guests who are only there temporarily. Because of this, the purpose of the residencies may continue to operate independently from the day-to-day operations of the institution. A new urban reality for the city is established as a result of the new institution, which also helps to preserve the region’s rich industrial history. To see the photographs on, please click here.

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