When I read articles written by other feng shui practitioners, there are times when it causes me to grimace. This is due to the fact that all too often, a general feng shui concept will be handed on, regardless of whether the area in issue is a house or a retail company. A place of business, by its very nature, may and should be characterized by a greater amount of “yang” energy than a person’s private abode. There are, of course, some notable exclusions, such as the “yin” atmosphere that one might anticipate to see at a yoga studio, massage clinic, or therapist’s office. And this brings us to the point: while designing a place, we need to take into account not only who will be utilizing the area but also how many people there will be and what the space will be used for. Even more fascinating is the fact that feng shui surroundings may be customized to a very particular kind of company, which can act as a complement to the kind of business. The perfect atmosphere for a place that teaches martial arts will not be the same as the atmosphere that is perfect for a place that does hair. Sometimes we want the energies to cater to the proprietor of a business, while other times we want the energies to cater to the clients or patrons of the company, so that they would frequent the establishment on several occasions. Another strategy for improving the overall profitability of a company is to ensure that its most important employees, such as the sales team, are located in the parts of the building that provide the most potential for advancement. Over the course of the last eighteen years, I have analyzed a wide variety of commercial buildings, ranging from single-location shops to large retail malls. In addition, the variety of enterprises that have been entrusted to my care has been extensive and, at times, baffling. I’ve been requested to review anything from houses of worship to an organization that provides exotic bakery strippers for rent. Despite this, I often see a certain sort of paradoxical consistency between the kind of company that inhabits a building and the intrinsic feng shui features of the space. Sometimes there are a lot of relationships, and other times there are only a handful that are very subtle. An example of this would be a prosperous shoe business that is oriented toward the east (the east direction is related to the feet.) Another hilarious example is the colonics facility that I examined, which had energy in the treatment room that might either exacerbate intestinal issues or attract those who already had them. Some of the most useful advice for a company are just common sense, while others unquestionably call for the expertise of a qualified professional who is familiar with the area in ways that are not immediately apparent. People are able to improve and maintain different kinds of assets with the assistance of kartar diamond, including home-based companies and commercial buildings. Kartar is the author of three books and other ebooks, one of which is a collection of feng shui recommendations for companies. Go to www.fengshuisolutions.net if you want to learn more about the qualifications of Kartar Diamond, the services he provides, and the online mentorship program he offers.

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