Perform operations on the file: archive.exe process name: bw-based spyware archive.exe will slowly alter the settings of your Internet Explorer browser in an effort to build the connections between itself and its partners on the desktop. This procedure is often implemented by entering into an agreement and being packed with other applications. It is strongly recommended that you terminate this procedure as soon as possible since it poses a potential security risk. procedures outside of the system archive.exe is pre-installed on your computer as part of the program that you’ve downloaded and installed. It’s possible that your computer’s registry is bloated with mistakes, inconsistencies, entries that aren’t accessible, and fragmentations, all of which might cause your computer to run more slowly. It is strongly advised that you use amigabit registry cleaner to optimize up your computer by resolving registry issues and cleaning up registry fragmentations. specification of archive.exe author: unidentified n/a system process: not applicable I agree, daemon. use memory usage: unknown n/a memory usage: unknown n/a network related: no hardware related: no frequent errors: unknown n/a security level (0-5): 2 Yes to spyware, and also yes to adware No viruses, and no Trojan horses

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