Agriculture plays a very important role in Kenya’s economy and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. The significance of agriculture to society may be understood when one considers that roughly 75 percent of the working population is engaged in the agricultural sector. However, there is a significant amount of opportunity for advancement given that over half of the agricultural production is just used to satisfy the needs for sustenance. The cultivation of tea plants is an important component of Kenya’s agricultural sector, since the industry is the third most important source of revenue from exports of agricultural products. Despite the fact that black tea accounts for the vast majority of production, other types of tea are also produced. Tea is grown on around 152,000 hectares of land, which results in an annual production of over 350,000 tons of tea. a remarkable accomplishment taking into account that the majority of the manufacturing is completed by handwork. agjobstoday’s managing director, ms. kelli moulton, is thrilled to be active in the area after a recent journey around eastern and southern africa to engage with important businesses in the region. Employers are searching for skilled workers to drive the production of high-quality food, and agjobstoday is in a good position to assist in the identification of such talent. a portion of this post may be found at .

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