One of the stages that a home or other construction goes through is referred to as the “closed phase” in xuan kong feng shui, which is one of the many phases that may be identified. My customers are informed whether or not the property they have purchased is now in a long term or short term locked period. And with each new report, customers are informed not only whether or not their residence or place of business will be in a “locked” phase for the next year, but also what they can do about it. To be more precise, the money lock refers to the length of time during which the tenants of the building may have their professional and financial potential limited by the construction. When their revenue is typically flowing and growing, it might make some people feel as if their energy is standing still. For other individuals, the consequences may be far more severe, and I’ve found that there’s a correlation between the money lock and people losing their homes or businesses when the money lock takes hold. On the other hand, the people lock has less of an impact on inhabitants’ financial situations and more on their physical well-being and social connections. It is well recognized that the people lock may lead to reproductive concerns, can reawaken dormant health problems, and can keep a person’s love life dormant or weaken it. When we consider it from a logical standpoint, the answer to the question of whether or not there may be an overlap of effect with locked stages is “yes.” This year, more than one update customer has asked me this question. One well-known cliche is, “If you don’t have your health, you don’t have everything else.” If a person’s health is bad, they will not be able to appreciate the wealth they have earned and they will not be able to keep the wealth for very long. Therefore, the answer to the question is yes, indirectly, if your property is located in a people lock, which mainly impacts health, it may also influence financially because of the trickle-down effect. The outcome is predetermined if you are unable to manage your workload because you are too sad or unwell to work. One further illustration of this would be a company that is in a personnel lock. In principle, it would not have an effect on revenue; nevertheless, if the people who work in or own the firm are sick, gossiping, fighting amongst themselves, or otherwise not getting along in any manner, the “bottom line” will ultimately be impacted. In principle, if a building is in a money lock, it is possible for the revenue to decrease… And who among us doesn’t experience some level of anxiety when their income drops? No matter the source of the stress, it is clear that stress is one of the most significant factors in the development of health issues. Therefore, issues with money equal issues with one’s health. After that, there is the issue of determining whether or not a people lock and a money lock may coexist at the same time. This topic is a bit more difficult to describe in a newsletter, but the explanation is that certain locked phases may occur concurrently while others cannot. For instance, if a home is subject to the feared “20 year money lock,” it is impossible for it to also be subject to the “20 year people lock” at the same time. On the other hand, a home’s lock may be set for twenty years, but in certain years it could also be set for an overlapping one-year lock. The stages that are frozen for one year occur again every nine years. The 20-year locked periods repeat themselves every 180 years on average…. These are the basic explanations for why the people lock and the money lock seem to be separate, but really may have an effect on one another. The art of traditional feng shui focuses on figuring out how the layout of a home or other structure might have unintended effects on the people who live there. Since 1992, Kartar Diamond has been operating as a consultant, assisting hundreds of clients all over the globe. Please visit for more details on Kartar Diamond’s on-line mentorship program, as well as his books, ebooks, and dvd. Kartar provides customers both locally and remotely with solutions that are useful and within their price range. In addition to that, she collaborates with real estate agents, designers, and architects.

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