Not only will you get the opportunity to be in one of the most art- and culture-filled towns in Europe when you visit Florence, but it may also serve as the perfect base from which to go out and explore the Tuscany region that is located in the surrounding area. One of the most well-liked day excursions may be taken from Florence to the hilltop city of Siena, which is located just over an hour away by car. There are a lot of day trips available from Florence to select from. Here are some quick statistics to help you get ready for your next visit. The UNESCO World Heritage Site UNESCO has designated the whole central area of Siena as a World Heritage Site, which means that it is required to be protected. The city was designated in 1995, and it has been recognized for the exquisite preservation of its medieval culture and architecture because of this designation. It is home to a number of ancient landmarks and buildings that are regarded as being among the most significant in the nation. These include the Duomo, the Palazzo Pubblico, the Palazzo Sansedoni, and the famous Torre del Mangia. Is the oldest bank in the world. … It is a very amazing claim to make that Monte Dei Paschi is the site of the oldest bank in the world, but that is precisely what it is. It was initially a pawn shop when it was established in 1472, but it has been in operation ever since. It is located on Via Vallerozzi and has been in business ever since. Since those unsophisticated origins, it has gone a long way, and over the course of its extensive history, it has grown inextricably intertwined with the economies of not just Italy, but also the rest of the globe. … and An institution that is among the oldest in Europe Continuing with the theme, the city is also home to the Università degli Studi di Siena, which dates back to the year 750 and is now recognized for its top schools of economics, law, management, and medicine. Pope Julius III, Pope John XXII, and political scientist Jean Blondel are just a few of the most noteworthy individuals to have graduated from this institution. “The Most Insane Horse Race in the World” This assertion is, of course, purely subjective; but, anybody who has ever been to the renowned Palio, which takes place twice a year, will not forget the experience in a hurry! The races, which take place in the months of July and August, are the most significant events of the year and include a tradition that dates back at least to the sixth century. They are the most important events of the year. In the city, there are seventeen districts known as “contradas,” and each of these districts has a horse and rider that represents them and competes for the honor of winning. The race is held in the vicinity of the major square, which is known as the Piazza del Campo. The center of the square is crowded with people, which adds to the excitement and creates an environment that is nothing short of electrifying. Three Hills in total Siena is really situated on top of three hills, despite the fact that Tuscany is filled with hilltop villages and cities of varied sizes. The city is spread out across the hills and connected by steep stairs, long, twisting passageways, and hidden tiny’shortcut’ lanes that are only known to locals. It is situated in a stunningly magnificent setting that is comprised of olive trees and vineyards. Beautiful Day Trips from Florence to Remember While you are in Florence, it may be tempting to spend each and every hour of each and every day exploring the vast amount of art, history, and culture that is abundant in this magnificent city; nevertheless, you should not overlook the neighboring locations as well. You may explore the breathtaking landscape of Tuscany by taking day trips from Florence to destinations such as Siena, Pisa, and San Gimignano. These excursions will allow you to learn about the many other things that this great area has to offer. Publisher’s Plate WalkAbout Florence is an independent company that provides tours and excursions around Italy that are exceptional, including the greatest day trips from Florence. Mauro Bramante is the Director of WalkAbout Florence. Whether you are interested in riding a vintage Vespa, tasting the world-famous Chianti wine, or preparing a dish with fresh products from the area, Mauro’s firm guarantees that you will experience excitement, adventure, and most importantly, joy. There is no need to seek any farther than WalkAbout Florence for your next vacation if you are eager to fully immerse yourself in the enchantment of Italy with the assistance of tour guides who are both enthusiastic and well experienced.

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