Marvell Lawson’s examination of the shortcomings of a quality business education What was the inspiration for the concept of launching and successfully operating a commercial operation? Is it true that having a strong background in business is the key to success? The key to success is to have a thorough understanding of the company that you want to start. Whether or if there are instances of people who have achieved success despite having no prior experience in business is an important topic. In most cases, background is acquired via the completion of business courses and by the accumulation of experience in the operation of various business organizations. However, the fact of the matter is that the foundation of a successful business is not structured on a solid knowledge of business practices; rather, it is structured on a solid knowledge of communication and its practice. This is the reason why so many businesses fail within the span of one to five years. Please do not misinterpret me. It is true that having knowledge of business is very useful; nevertheless, the actual basis of a successful firm is not necessarily having knowledge of business. Should this be the case, there would be a great deal more prosperous firms. You would just need to study a few of the business guidelines out of the tens of thousands that are available, then you would need to follow the recommendations that they provide, and voila! Almost little thinking or work would be required on your part to establish and maintain a prosperous and successful company. Why has it been so successful for so many people who are looking forward to the new enterprises that are starting up every year? The fact of the matter is that business is not the foundation; rather, it is only a branch that originates from the foundation itself. The communication mechanism is the true basis. Every company is unique in its own way. The reason for this is because attempting to fit your company into the pigeonhole of another person may be an incredibly difficult experience. There are always new problems that arise that were not handled in the past. This is due to the fact that your position is completely unique in comparison to every other firm that has come before yours. Although you may be comparable to other company leaders, the way in which you arrived to this point, the way in which you see the problem, and the way in which you believe it may be managed as effectively as possible are all fundamentally distinct from one another. There are instances of how other company managers have dealt with comparable problems, and you could benefit from those experiences; but, did they employ the best options? What distinguishes their issue from yours, and how does it vary from yours? In what ways does the environment for business differ? To what extent were they attempting to achieve the same objectives that you are attempting to achieve? In this stage of the process, you will really assume control of or responsibility for your particular enterprise. You should look for a job working for someone else if you are not prepared to deal with it. Out of all the people that graduate from business schools, what percentage of them go on to established and operate a successful firm or become influential business leaders in their respective fields? While the majority of them spend their whole working life working for someone else, many of them do so. It is a decision, therefore that is not a negative thing at all. Having the ability to launch and successfully manage a small company requires a certain sort of individual. Through the study of a few books and the observation of the business world that is all around them on a daily basis, kids may acquire the knowledge necessary to launch and run their own companies. The discipline of communication is one that will be beneficial to you regardless of the kind of company that you create or run. It is possible for a business minor to be successful; however, if you are a good manager, why not hire someone to perform necessary business tasks such as accounting, clerical work, government policy, sales and marketing, finance, purchasing, office management, janitorial work, information technology, strategic planning, and all the other tasks that you need to complete in order to launch and maintain your business? At what point will you be able to find the time to engage in activities that you are skilled at, that you like doing, and that you would want to spend your time doing? Who really becomes the decision-maker when it comes to the structure of your company? Do you consider yourself to be your mentor, your consultant, your lawyer, or your accountant? If you want to be successful in company, do you now have the time to understand all of the many facets of business? What if you were able to improve your ability to interact with others so that you could achieve your objectives? What would happen if you were to learn where to look for the information you require, how to acquire that information, and how to communicate it to the appropriate individuals who will be responsible for making the decisions and taking the actions that will result in your company being on the path to success? Communication is intended to obtain valuable information, translate that information, share that information, and utilize that knowledge to fulfill the goals that you have set for yourself. Getting an education is essential to your success, regardless of the path that you choose to take. Put this question to yourself: I need to know what I want to achieve, as well as what knowledge I need to have in order to achieve my objective. The question is, how will I utilize a communication system to both receive and provide the information that is required? I need to know how I will keep track of the information throughout time. Who is going to be in charge of putting the communication system into action and managing it? The failure of a decent business education is not something that is taught in the classes that are being taken. It serves as the basis upon which the notion of establishing a successful company is constructed (the foundation). My thoughts is brought back to a lady who was there at a networking event that I went to. She was in the process of launching a company and realized that she need assistance. Her experience was that obtaining counsel was not only free but also overwhelming. She could either go to school, which seemed to provide little incentive to assist her in accomplishing what she was attempting to do, or she might… This was the inquiry that she posed. what is it? She broke down and said, “I don’t know where to go to acquire the knowledge I need.” It was through tears of anguish that she expressed her dissatisfaction. Every single person has a distinct story to tell me. Whom should I put my faith in? What options do I have?” It’s true that her problems were related to business, but more than that, she had problems with maintaining contact. In addition to not knowing what questions to ask or where to go for answers, she was also unsure of how to access the communication system that would provide her with information on the choices she had. If you want to establish and operate a company, it is not so much about your education as it is about how you explain to yourself what it is that you want to achieve. After that, you should put up a strategy by asking the appropriate questions and obtaining the answers to those questions. recognizing, of course, that the questions are always being updated, and that there are a staggering number of distinct responses to each question, all of which are also always being updated. Your education does not originate from a third party or outside source. Although school may provide you with a general idea of potential fields of study and other avenues to pursue, education is only a general sketch that the serious student is responsible for following up on on their own time. You are the one who starts and finishes the true education; school is only a beginning place. The genuine education begins and ends with you. You are the one who decides and establishes the new guidelines for the success of your firm. Communication will serve as the instrument that will assist you in making such selections. Communication is the engine that drives the success of your company. Everything you learn about business will only be useful to you if you are able to communicate effectively. Without communication, it is impossible to run a successful firm. Education is a never-ending process that occurs around the clock, every day of the year, and there is never a vacation. What education gives you, what you need to be successful, and how it is delivered to you are the most significant factors to consider about education. “small business superstar speaking secrets” author, whose book is scheduled to be released soon As a professional speaker and communication coach, I work with individuals and organizations that want to improve their ability to communicate more effectively, grow their business, make more money, and build professional credibility. I also work with individuals who want to deliver winning speeches and presentations with self-confidence. 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