Despite the fact that you might believe that you are completely innocent of tailgating and that you always make an effort to maintain as safe of a distance as possible between your vehicle and the one in front of you, the reality is that nearly one quarter of all accidents that occur on the road are the result of rear-end collisions. isn’t that a stunning piece of information? Despite the fact that you may be the safest driver in the world, going about your courier business and taking all of the required measures, every motorist, regardless of how safe they have been in the past, has to be aware of the hazards that tailgating brings. the statistical data Considering that you are someone who earns their career as a courier, it is quite likely that you have already read a great deal of material on the statistics concerning accidents and safety while driving on the highways. But were you aware that following too closely behind a van is a more prevalent cause of accidents than driving under the influence of alcohol, driving in terrible weather conditions, or even speeding? Throughout the course of 2017, it was identified as the reason for far over 4,000 accidents. how tailgating might cause you to drag your feet If you want to get your work done as soon as possible in order to maximize the efficiency of your driving, you should make sure that this does not interfere with the essential safety measures that you are required to ensure that you take. Accidents that occur on the road cause significant delays and, as a consequence, a great deal of inconvenience for individuals who are employed in the courier industry. You are well aware of this fact. Consequently, despite the fact that you may believe that working as rapidly as you possibly can would enable you to complete your tasks in a shorter amount of time, this might potentially result in an accident that will significantly slow you down in the long term. When it comes to ensuring that you carry out your courier job in an effective manner, safely, and with a reduced chance of an accident, the best approach to do it is to take things slowly and steadily. Maintain a safe distance. When driving, it is imperative that you constantly remember to maintain a spacing of at least two seconds between your car and the vehicle in front of you. When it comes to avoiding the risks associated with tailgating, this is absolutely the most important guideline to follow. In the event that a vehicle approaches you and takes up the area in front of you, you should simply go backwards and make room for it. This will guarantee that the rule-of-thumb safe distance is maintained. You should increase the space between yourself and the car in front of you by a factor of two in the event that the weather conditions are really terrible, particularly when it is raining. Additionally, it is essential that you be aware of what to do in the case that another person is following you behind. In this situation, you should make sure that you do not respond in a dangerous fashion; instead, you should simply walk away and let them pass. You should now be completely aware of the risks associated with tailgating, as well as the reasons why attempting to raise your pace may, in the long run, actually cause you to slow down. You should always be sure to maintain a space of two seconds between yourself and the automobile in front of you, as this is the most secure method of avoiding engaging in a practice that is potentially hazardous. publisher’s plate A correspondent for courier exchange, the world’s biggest neutral trading center for same-day courier labor in the express freight exchange sector, Norman Dulwich is a member of the express freight exchange industry. There are a great number of transport exchange companies that are connected to one another via their website. They are exchanging tasks and capacity through what is now the most rapidly expanding freight exchange in the United Kingdom.

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