The year 2013 is rolling on, and the deadline for the introduction of new changes is coming closer, and the inhabitants of the United States are growing more and more confused about the fact that they should urge their politicians to repeal obamacare, or if they should let it stay in place. The Republican Party, which holds the view that these changes are not based on the idea that they would help the people of the nation, is driving most of the movement that is relating to repealing. Because President Obama and the Democratic Party were aware that they were going to face resistance, they made preparations for it by passing a law that requires individuals to get health insurance or face a penalty. This was done under the guise of the individual mandate. How did the phrase “Obamacare” come to be, and why is it so divisive that there are heated discussions happening every day with “repeal Obamacare” as the primary point of discussion? President Obama, upon realizing the arduous challenge that he had when he gained office regarding the welfare of commoners in his nation, devised a reform regarding health insurance and healthcare in general in order to improve the situation. These started to be referred to collectively as “Obamacare” after some amount of time, and since the President of the United States did not object to the word, it has been allowed to persist. It was introduced over the individual mandate after receiving a vote of confidence from the Supreme Court, and this was done to guarantee that it would be easy to apply. The primary argument that has been put out by the faction that is pushing for the authorities to repeal Obamacare is that not only is the program impossible to implement, but it would also place a burden on American businesses in the form of increased taxes. Because Obamacare requires companies to offer their workers with health insurance coverage, it is the corporation that is responsible for acquiring the plan for its workers or for paying any fines that may be imposed. In addition to the individual mandate, which applies to private citizens and is policed by the Internal Revenue Service and the income tax, Obamacare places additional regulatory obligations on businesses. There are two ways to look at the problem, one of which is that it places a greater weight of responsibility for health insurance on the employers. On the one hand, it would make certain that every worker in the United States is covered by some kind of insurance plan and that nobody is precisely left out in the cold. This helps to understand why a back-up plan in the form of the individual mandate was developed to handle the problem of those who do not have access to healthcare via their employers. On the other hand, this would imply that consumers could stop paying for their own individual health policies since their employers would start paying for such plans instead. Despite the fact that a buffer zone has been established for health insurance markets, it will be difficult to persuade individuals that getting rid of Obamacare is the best option. One of the grounds in support of the phrase “repeal obamacare” is that with the large insurance network that America boasts of, it is going to be a gigantic undertaking to handle online transactions and ensure a seamless flow of information. This is one of the justifications in favor of the slogan. As a result of the track record of similar applications in the past, proponents and detractors of the idea are equally as intrigued about what the final result would be. On the other hand, if the individual mandate is upheld, a sizable portion of the population that has not before benefited from any type of insurance coverage would suddenly be eligible for legal protection. As a result, according to the data, it has been determined to be convincing to have a beneficial influence. Some of the additional reasons that have been cited to justify the call to repeal Obamacare are the fact that it does not include a significant portion of the American population, that it may be financially unsuitable for small businesses, and that it restricts the freedom of individuals in the United States to choose their own insurance policies. The individual mandate tax will be charged on defaulters in accordance with the legislation; nevertheless, a practical study suggests that a significant number of American families do not come within the zone of this reform framework. Despite the fact that there is a provision for subsidies for small enterprises, the expense of providing plans for all Americans may cause the spending to escalate to previously unimaginable heights. Since the beginning of its rollout, Obamacare has been met again and again with opposition from those who advocate for the program’s elimination via the repeal of Obamacare. Nevertheless, Obamacare requires the adoption of the individual mandate, which will charge a financial penalty on anybody who defaults on this reform legislation. This is done to guarantee that a high level of participation is achieved.

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