It is of the utmost importance to manage legionella because, if allowed to continue poisoning water supplies, it may cause irreparable damage to the lungs, which can lead to death. Keeping this in mind, one of the places and ways in which legionella management has become more significant in recent years is in the context of this. The likelihood of this happening is increased when the legionella bacteria proliferate, leading to larger concentrations of them being identified in the source water. In fresh water sources, the circumstances under which legionella bacteria might potentially proliferate into bigger numbers are very seldom favorable (which is why the number of bacteria in natural water is low). The bacteria need water that is kept at a temperature of 35 degrees celsius in order for them to live and thrive, but they are able to endure temperatures ranging from 20 to 50 degrees celsius. Because of this, it is essential that any hot or cold water system be properly maintained to eliminate favorable circumstances for the growth of legionella, which would result in an increased likelihood of an individual contracting legionnaires’ disease. In addition to being present in hot and cold water systems, legionella may also be present in humidifiers, cooling towers, evaporative condensers, air conditioning, spas and whirlpools, and other water-based recreational and health facilities. Following a significant epidemic of pneumonia in the 1970s, researchers in the United States made the first discovery of legionnaires’ disease. The legionella bacterium species known as L. pneumophila is the one that is responsible for the spread of legionnaires’ disease. Pontiac fever is another ailment that is usually connected with the bacterium. It is a lesser form of the illness. There are around 250 cases of legionnaires’ disease that are recorded each year in England; however, it is believed that this number is an underestimate. Nevertheless, this does not apply to instances that have been documented when the individual was exposed to legionella bacteria at a location other than England. In this day and age, legionella control services are unquestionably something that cannot be overlooked with regard to the position that they play or the overall significance that they have. Additionally, it is a developing industry that is seeing an increase in demand for its services. If you are in charge of the health and safety of a building, it is of the utmost importance that you maintain control of the water supply and system so that legionella does not have the opportunity to proliferate. The first thing you should do to do this is conduct an exhaustive risk assessment of your water system. This will identify any potential issues that you may have with your water system so that you can create a management plan to address these issues and ensure that they do not develop into a risk of legionnaires’ disease. This will allow you to create a plan to ensure that these issues do not develop into a risk of legionnaires’ disease. This, too, is a significant part of the bigger picture when it comes to the management of the risk of legionella.

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