Protecode has made the announcement that they would be holding a combined open source software competition with the National Health Service in order to find high-quality software projects that adhere to the code4health custodian model. the 3rd of august, 2015, in ottawa, canada: Today, protecode, an innovative provider of open source license management systems, made an announcement regarding a collaboration with the British National Health Service (NHS) and source code control limited to launch the code4health competition. This competition is intended to identify quality software projects within the nhs’s code4health custodian model. Source code control limited is the company that is launching the competition. The purpose of the competition on managing compliance and vulnerabilities in open source software (oss) is to bring attention to governance and security flaws that code4health collaborators need to steer clear of while they create and donate their software to the community. A report on the quality of coding methods that facilitate the adoption and clearance of the program will be prepared by code4health and a score will be provided to each project that is submitted. This report will be created for each project that is submitted. Copyright, structure, compliance, and security are some of the criteria that will be used in the judgment process. “code4health is a programme managed by the nhs to stimulate and encourage the development of new clinically led open technology solutions to deliver safe, high quality, efficient, and compassionate care,” said peter coates, the programme head of nhs code4health. “code4health is a programme to stimulate and encourage the development of new clinically led open technology solutions to deliver safe, high quality, efficient, and compassionate care.” “we have a caretaker model to ensure open source applications for this endeavor. One component of this model is governance of the application code to minimize risks, such as those related to security and licensing responsibilities. We are launching a challenge in partnership with code4health supporter source code control limited and protecode to recognize the excellent coding practices of code4health supporters. This will help promote the quality of open source applications that are being created as part of code4health and raise awareness of the governance that is in place. “we are excited to be a part of the code4health initiative and hope to raise awareness through this competition around those software attributes that are the cornerstones of the code4health custodian model,” said mahshad koohgoli, the chief executive officer of protecode. “code4health” is an acronym for “code for health,” and it is an initiative started by the nonprofit organization code for America. Each participant will get their own personalized report and score, and the winner will be revealed in the early fall of 2015. Any participant working on open source solutions for the medical community is welcome to submit their work for consideration in the competition. Please visit if you would want more information or if you would like to submit your code. about the protecode protecode offers a variety of goods and services, including open source software licensing and security vulnerability management, with the purpose of controlling open source software characteristics. The solutions provided by protecode make it possible to do accurate and rapid code scanning in both real time and on demand. These scans give policy-based assessments on the obligations and security vulnerabilities present in code portfolios. Built for ease-of-use, integration, and minimal intrusion into already established development processes, protecode products have been implemented in hundreds of organizations around the world. These organizations range in size from just a few developers to multinational corporations with more than 100,000 staff members. The headquarters of protecode are located in Ottawa, Canada, and the company has reseller partners all around the globe. Angela Tuzzo may be reached at 732-758-1100 extension 108 or if you have any questions about public relations.

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