It is now that time of the year once again. It is time to sit down and develop a list of the goals that you have for this year, goals that will help you become a better person in both body and soul. However, if you’re having trouble coming up with your own goals for the new year, why not make 2019 the year that you resolve to become a better friend? Forget about the gym and the diet, it’s time to start getting in shape to be someone’s partner. If you are the sort of person who usually calls days after your friend’s birthday or forgets to get a present until the last minute, consider following these five easy steps to become a more organized and appreciated person in your relationships. first and foremost, you are required to “remember the date.” You got it correctly. You will no longer get a notification on Facebook at the last minute reminding you that it is a friend’s birthday today. or, what’s much worse, finding out when they bring it up many weeks after the event has already occurred. You may want to give your life a little more structure by using some of the incredible organization and reminder applications that are now available on the market. There are literally hundreds of applications that you can choose from when it comes to setting up reminders and notifications, but a few examples are evernote, fantastic note, and timeful. Therefore, you should contact all of your close friends and family members and inquire about the dates of their birthdays. After that, launch your application and enter the date into it. Include the person’s birth year and any other information you may have about them, such as their address, hobbies, or favorite color, if you have access to this information. If you get any information about upcoming events or anniversaries from this point on, the app will record it all, making you seem to be the most attentive listener in the history of the world. step 2: After that, you need to make sure that you create a reminder for each of these occasions around one month before the day that they are really scheduled to take place. Be sure to contact your buddy and set an alarm for one month before the date. You may do this by setting an alarm on your phone. In the pretense of a compassionate phone conversation, you are going to ask a lot of sneaky questions to find out what the person on the other end of the line has been up to. You shouldn’t just come straight out and ask the individual, “what would you want to get for your birthday?” since this is really an information reconnaissance operation to figure out what the person is interested in. That will make the surprise impossible to pull off later. You will not only collect information for your surprise, but you will also learn a little bit more about the person you are chatting to and most likely improve their day by listening to them. step 3: now that you are equipped with this new understanding, you are able to focus your thoughts on the ideal present. Your acquaintance may have said that they went camping, did they? Could it be that they adore horses? It’s true that not everyone can afford to give someone a horse as a present, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be inventive! You may consider purchasing some good grooming supplies for them if they own a horse, for instance. maybe perhaps an artwork of a horse or even a ride on a horse! Your good buddy is going to be quite pleased that you not only remembered their birthday and bought them a present, but that you also listened to what they had to say during the chat that you had one month before their special day. step four: while you are on the phone with your buddy doing your reconnaissance, you should ask them what they consider to be an excellent evening out. Do you feel like watching a movie at home, going out to dinner, or having a crazy party that goes all night? don’t get them confused or arrange for something you’d like since all that will happen is that your partner will be unhappy or bored as a result of your actions. Prepare to put on your planning hat and put together an unforgettable evening for them. If your closest buddy has a lot of friends and a big family, it only makes sense to include them in the planning process. You could even throw a surprise party for them if you wanted to. Make sure that you have given some consideration to whatever it is that you are preparing. If your friend enjoys watching “Game of Thrones,” you should throw a costume party in which everyone arrives dressed as a character from the show. The fifth stage is to take it up a notch! Don’t forget to bring flowers and balloons. Make their special day into a full-fledged festival. Everyone will have a wonderful time, and your companion will feel like a king or queen the whole time! You will make some wonderful friends who will be in your life forever, and you will have some memorable experiences. and who knows… maybe they will repay the favor at some point. baskets of gifts for businesses

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