Tea enthusiasts place a high value on puerh, particularly puerh teas that have been matured for a significant amount of time. a mystique has developed around it as a consequence of this. Sometimes based on actual events, and other times a straightforward marketing strategy. Since the beginning of time, China has been cultivating and drinking tea in every possible form. There is a specific source that asserts that puerh in particular has been consumed over a period of five thousand years. There is a possibility that this is not accurate; yet, it is undeniable that the history of this delicious beverage has been lost to the mists of time. There are some trees that are reported to be over a thousand years old that are still utilized to produce this sort of tea. It is believed that the origin of this variety of tea can be traced back to the Yunnan region of China. As a hilly area, Yunnan is located in the southern part of China and is surrounded by the countries of Tibet, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam. The processed leaves were crushed into bricks of tea of different forms since transportation was difficult. This was done so that more could be carried out on the horses and mules while the leaves were being processed. Until the current day, this format has been used consistently even now. Although the form of the bricks may vary quite a bit, the round shape is one of the most popular shapes. This came about so that they could be transported in a secure manner by being stuffed within the trunks of banana trees. Dishes, rectangles, and pagodas are some of the various forms that may be found. Recently, there has been a fad in the “small tuocha” and its variants. When I purchased it online from In Nature Teas, it was in the form of bullets, however the one I purchased from David Tea was more like a miniature version of a traditional Puerh brick. From the beginning, the bricks have always been protected by being wrapped in paper or another material; these contemporary tiny copies were not an exception to this rule. The ability to put it into a pocket and use it to make coffee at work is incredibly useful. From the Tang dynasty, around 600 to 900 years after the common era, historical records of this tea have been discovered. It would seem that this was the time when the discovery was made that the flavor of puerh becomes better with further aging. While the leaves were being transported, which might take as long as several months, the color of the leaves darkened, and the flavor of the tea that was being brewed gradually got more robust and smooth. Because of this, we now understand that the leaves underwent a partial fermentation process while they were being transported. As a result of the fact that the town of Pu-erh served as the primary trade center for these one-of-a-kind leaves from Yunnan province, the term “puerh tea” was given to all of the teas that were purchased and sold in that location. reasonable, in a sense! A number of various characteristics, which are covered in a separate article, contribute to the development of the tea’s personality. The first step in the procedure is a little pan frying. A significant number of the enzymes that are present in the leaves are rendered inactive as a result of this action, but not all of them are rendered inactive. First, the leaves are dried in the sun, then they are precisely crushed into the brick shapes, and last, they are wrapped. There is still the possibility that some moisture from the air may enter, which would start the fermentation process that was formed by the enzymes that were not destroyed, gradually altering the character. The young puerh may be brewed, but it has a totally different personality compared to the matured variants, which are considered to be of higher quality. The selling of low-quality puerh, which has a strong earthy flavor and deteriorates with age rather than improving, is largely responsible for the “bad publicity” that is associated with it. It is a drink that is considered to be something of an acquired taste. During the early 1970s, a method was developed that hastened the natural process of aging of the leaves by the use of artificial means. There are basically two varieties of puerh, which are referred to as raw and ripe, respectively. Over the course of many years, the raw is allowed to age naturally. It is the most costly kind, and as a result, it is also the one that is in the highest demand. If you are able to make an investment in some raw tea, it will gradually get better as the years go by. Some people believe that after it has been matured for ten years or more, it will be at its peak quality. Although it is more widely accessible and less expensive, the variety that does not improve with age and is typically considered to be of worse quality. Therefore, to summarize, this is a tea that is really a connoisseur’s tea, and it is deserving of your attention. If you want to avoid being disappointed, you should spend a little bit more money than you would really want to and choose a brick that is authentic, of high quality, and naturally aged. With the exception of those who are used to drinking conventional teabag teas, this brick will not disappoint. Make sure that you get puerh tea of high quality; do not settle for anything less than the finest. Additionally, while you are at it, it is said that loose leaf Chinese white tea has the most beneficial effects on one’s health of any other kind of tea.

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