There are three ways that you may utilize technology to improve the experience of your prospects. In the event that there is a single facet of the recruiting process that serves to demonstrate that the use of recruitment technology is not only a passing trend, it is the applicant experience. Previous research has shown that a significant number of people who are looking for work continue to have negative experiences as candidates. These individuals cite issues such as unclear application instructions, extremely lengthy application processes, and inadequate job descriptions as the reasons for their negative experiences. A poll found that 72 percent of applicants who had a negative experience as a candidate shared their negative experience with another person, either personally or online. This is even more unfortunate than the previous information. Because the knowledge of a particular firm delivering a terrible candidate experience travels quickly, the question arises as to how recruiting technology might assist in ensuring that even prospects who are rejected have nothing but positive things to say about your organization. 1 The days are long gone when it was considered a sign of strength for a firm to project a remote, impersonal, and corporate aspect. Instead, it is now possible for applicants to have the opportunity to speak with a real being. These days, prospective employees like to interact with real people, which includes having the opportunity to speak with a real person working for your organization. In order to do this, you do not need the most cutting-edge technology; if you do not have access to or are unable to make use of an online ‘chat’ facility, you may get by with email or text messages. In spite of this, it has the potential to significantly impact how a prospect views your organization and the likelihood that they will want to work with your business again in the future. 2 Take a second look at the candidates that came before you. The candidates’ frustration with your slow hiring process can be alleviated if you already have a talent pool to draw from. This talent pool may include candidates who have applied for a job with you in the past but were rejected, or it may even consist of passive candidates who are not even familiar with your company yet. Whatever the case may be, getting back in touch with someone to whom you have conveyed the message that “we will keep your curriculum vitae on file in case another relevant opportunity arises” is conducive to making a favorable impression on them, for the straightforward reason that you have fulfilled your commitment. You can draw upon analytics that tell you how you are doing with your recruitment advertising efforts so far, as well as which approaches are working better than others, if you use the appropriate recruitment technology platform, such as the fusion package that we offer here at webrecruit. This will allow you to analyze the data that has arisen from your recruitment efforts. When you have a better understanding of which advertising channels and job boards are providing you with the best results, as well as which recruitment agency is providing you with the best returns for a particular type of role, you will be in a better position to deliver a recruitment process that is both streamlined and effective. Because of this, you will be able to provide a more favorable experience for each and every one of your applicants. It is possible that Fusion might be the most effective recruiting technology bundle for your own company’s attempts to hire applicants. If you make a request for a demonstration from web recruit, you will soon be able to get further information on the program and the potential benefits it might offer to the recruiting process of your company.

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