Those who work in the courier sector are likely to spend a significant amount of time behind the wheel. This implies that it is very probable that you are familiar with the topography of the area as well as the rules of the road. On the other hand, regardless of how well-versed you are in a certain subject, a little bit of rewriting never damaged anybody. For this reason, we are here to provide you with a refresher course on the limits of what you are permitted to do when you are behind the wheel. On the road, there are a lot of misconceptions about driving, so many that it may be difficult to differentiate between the factual and the fictional aspects of driving… What is the life of a courier? if you want to know: Continue reading in order to get the information you need to be safe while driving. Are you able to… consume food? In contrast to distracted driving, which is against the law, chewing on a food while driving is not a violation of the law. In other words, if you are paying more attention to your food than you are to the road, the police may pull you over and give you a ticket for reckless driving. The punishment for this offense is three points and a fine of one hundred pounds. If you are going to pick up some fast food from a drive-through place, you should make sure that you are paying with either cash or a credit card. In the event that you use your mobile phone to make a payment while your vehicle’s engine is still running, you face the risk of receiving a fine. Have you ever used a satellite navigation system? Yes, to answer your question in a nutshell (don’t worry, you can still use Google Maps to find your way to your courier delivery). However, your satellite navigation system, regardless of whether it is an app on your phone or a separate device, must be positioned in a permanent place on either your dashboard or your windshield. Additionally, your view of the road must be uninterrupted with the satellite navigation system. If you are using your mobile device while driving, you should make sure that you do not touch it. If you interfere with your phone while driving, you might be subject to a fine of £200 and the accumulation of six penalty points. Are you able to… make a phone call? What kind of hands-free system do you have? The answer is yes! On the other hand, you will have to change the settings on your smartphone so that you won’t have to touch it in order to answer calls. There is a criminal offense that may be committed if you engage with your phone in any manner, even if it is merely to answer it. You should also keep in mind that even if you adhere to these guidelines to the letter, the police may still pull you over if they believe that you are being distracted by your mobile device… As a result, it is recommended that you only utilize it in times of crisis. You… are able to utilize headphones? Despite the fact that there are no laws that specifically prohibit the use of headphones while driving, it is still something that should be avoided at all costs, even if it is theoretically permissible. It may be risky not only for you but also for other people, since you may not be able to hear other people on the road, warnings about level crossings, or the sirens of emergency vehicles. As a result, you can be charged with driving in a dangerous manner. advice from us? You should instead listen to the radio. You should keep these guidelines in mind for all of your future courier job, regardless of whether you learned anything new or previously had them down pat. If you do this, you will have nothing but clear skies (and roads) ahead of you to look forward to. publisher’s plate A correspondent for courier exchange, the world’s biggest neutral trading center for same-day courier labor in the express freight exchange sector, Norman Dulwich is a member of the express freight exchange industry. There are a great number of transport exchange companies that are connected to one another via their website. These firms are swapping jobs and capacity through what is now the most rapidly expanding freight exchange company in the United Kingdom.

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