As a result of a preliminary agreement that was reached in March 2019 by the European Union Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection (ICMO), required safety features will be made mandatory in all new automobiles that are manufactured and released into the market. As of right now, the law that is scheduled to be adopted in 2022 is only applicable to automobiles; however, it is quite probable that in the not too distant future, the same regulations will be applied to the vans that we use for courier work as well as heavy-duty vehicles. If and when this does occur, there will undoubtedly be repercussions for the delivery business; nevertheless, the most important thing that we should all be celebrating is the possibility of significant improvements in road safety beyond the year 2022. Utilize the available technologies. Autonomous emergency braking systems (AEB) with cyclist and pedestrian detection, intelligent speed assistance (ISA), accident data recorders, alcohol interlock systems, inattention and drowsiness detection, and increased levels of direct vision requirements are some of the advanced safety technologies that are going to be incorporated into new automobiles. These technologies are part of a policy that is referred to as the third mobility package. Pay attention to the safety of the roads. Early estimates of the impacts are convincing, to say the least, despite the fact that the law is still in the process of being formally approved. According to the director of the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL), if modern safety measures were to be installed in every new vehicle that was manufactured in the European Union by the year 2022, it is possible that up to 25,000 lives may be saved over the course of the following 15 years. Drivers will be substantially safer on the roads with these measures in place, according to the Transportation Research Laboratory (TRL), and the danger of harm to vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists will also be greatly reduced under these circumstances. Those of us who work as couriers for a livelihood are out on the roads more than the typical motorist, so it is not difficult for us to understand how speed limiters and autonomous emergency braking systems may make a significant difference in the way drivers behave. Education is essential. On the other hand, top authorities on automobile safety believe that it is essential for normal road users to be taught in preventive measures as well, rather than depending just on the technology that is built into their vehicle. Indeed, they assert that there is a possibility that this law might lead to a certain degree of complacency. Intelligent speed limiters would be beneficial considering that speed is a contributing factor in a significant percentage of accidents; yet, there are instances in which changes in GPS mapping or temporary road construction might lead the system to get confused. It is of the utmost importance that motorists do not allow themselves to be lulled into a false feeling of security and place an excessive amount of reliance in the technology integrated into their vehicles. This is where education about the capabilities of the technology becomes so crucial. With an awareness of the constraints imposed by technology, the Royal Automobile Club (RAC) has expressed some reservations regarding the implementation of Isas. They have stated that despite the fact that the systems have the capability to be bypassed, there is still the possibility that drivers will abuse them or find a way to circumvent them. In a similar vein, the driver is still responsible for applying the appropriate amount of brakes while transitioning from a zone of high speed to a zone of reduced speed since the aebs do not automatically activate. how the nature of work for couriers is evolving This latest piece of legislation is just one more illustration of how the delivery sector is continuously evolving in response to new developments. Despite the fact that there are a great number of elements that influence the manner in which we carry out our courier duties, the possibility that vans and other delivery vehicles will be equipped with this kind of cutting-edge technology in the not too distant future ought to be viewed with a degree of optimism. publisher’s plate In the sector of express freight exchange, Norman Dulwich is a correspondent for courier exchange, which is the biggest neutral trading center in the world for same-day courier jobs. There are a great number of transport exchange companies that are connected to one another via their website. They are exchanging tasks and capacity through what is now the most rapidly expanding freight exchange in the United Kingdom.

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