Sheldon Songstad, a former South Dakota senator who served as the representative for Sioux Falls from 1975 to 1988, has come out of retirement to talk about his letter about fema region 3. Songstad claims that while the fema region 3 message was meant solely for a small circle of acquaintances, it ended up appearing in a large number of major and alternative media sites. Calling in on a secure line to the Rick Wile program, Songstad says he is going abroad covertly and that no one knows where he is. When presenter Rick Wilkes inquired about the location of fema region 3, singer Samstad said, I believe it’s the four states up around Washington, D.C., Virginia, up in that area.I’m not sure about you, but if I were to issue a warning for a fema region, I would probably sound a bit more credible than I would if it were in the vicinity of Washington, DC, Virginia. Maybe we can chalk Songstad’s lack of regional knowledge up to aging. Not only did the remark sound strange, but Songstad also declined to clarify when questioned about his fema warning, responding with a single word when subsequent inquiries were posed. The second segment of the conversation with Songstad from the Rick Wilkes program and the fema region 3 warning are shown below. Sometime in 2013, mandatory house inspections will be put into place. FEMA purchase orders totaling more than $14.2 million to be delivered to Region III by October 1st for meals and mres. 22 million emergency water pouches are to be supplied to Region III by October 1st, according to fema purchasing orders. fema buy orders for $13.6 million in meals that will be delivered to Austin by October 1st, including mres and heating meals. need money for Christmas purchases? To get your $1,000 Visa gift card, follow this link. a nine-week program starting in the fourth week of July and ending on October 1st, which will teach 386,000 soldiers about urban combat, English, and US weaponry, specifically for use by UN forces in the Conus. The CDC has ordered the delivery of $11 million worth of antibiotics to fema region iii by October 1st. To address the mers coronavirus, the World Health Organization convened its second emergency conference in history. concluded that a vaccination needed to be in place by October 1st. By October 1st, 2800 mraps need to be delivered to DHS. From September 28 to November 5, US military personnel will not be permitted to take any leave. Annual civil unrest training for Norcomm is postponed to September 27th and will take place in coastal regions in the northeast. The QE3 report publication date has been rescheduled until October 16. By September 28th, all DHS agents must be qualified with a sidearm, shotgun, and AR-15. Annually less harmful qualification is not mentioned. For the first time, testing dates for communications and GPS satellites are scheduled around September 29. By October 1st, the potus requirements to fema and dhs on assistance for urban areas coping with severe climate change must be finished. Over the last three weeks, several directives have been issued. It has been found that more than 300 school systems in the United States need three-day kits for every school as well as kits for every student to carry with them. Every delivery is slated to take place in September. During this year’s yearly two-week training, all national guard units will finish their training in riot control and disaster aid. Training for every unit has to be finished by September 30th. The emergency broadcast system will undergo daily testing starting on September 25 and lasting until October 2. large group training, often conducted in the gulf, in the states of Virginia and Delaware, by coast guard forces headquartered in the east. This training expedition lasts for ten days and starts on September 26. see other information here

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