When you look at some individuals you know, you could notice that they seem to have an incredible capacity to accumulate riches without putting in a lot of work. Could it be that luck has anything to do with how their life has turned out? Examining a person’s birth chart is one technique to discover the key to their financial success or the reason why they have the “Midas touch” when it comes to money. According to Chinese astrology, a person is born with four pillars of destiny that control human life and ambitions such as health, fortune, profession, relationships, and other aspects of human existence. This old art is also known as ba zi, which literally translates as “eight characters.” If we have an individual’s date of birth, we are able to create the four pillars or eight characters that will help us determine that person’s destiny and the course of their life. In a ba zi birth chart, there are ten heavenly stems and twelve earthly branches. These stems and branches reflect many facets of one’s life, including direct and indirect riches as well as other forms of wealth. If a person’s money luck is something that is important to them, a Chinese astrologer will be able to interpret their ba zi birth chart by looking at the stems and branches included within the chart and doing an analysis on them. The course that a person’s life takes is also influenced by luck pillars, which occur in cycles that last for ten years each. When a Chinese astrologer reads a person’s ba zi birth chart, they are able to pinpoint the locations of the components of prosperity, regardless of whether they are in the stem or the branches. If it is in the stem, then it is exposed and typically indicates a richness that others can see on a surface level. If it is not in the stem, then it does not. When anything is in a branch, it is believed to be hidden riches, and the owner of that money may not be as eager to flaunt it as they otherwise would be. In addition, there is a distinction between direct and indirect forms of wealth. The former is frequently acquired by laborious effort, and its nature is generally more consistent, such as in jobs, commercial operations, and so on. while the latter is often produced by engaging in risky behaviors and making the most of possibilities, such as investing, speculating, trading on share markets, purchasing homes, and other similar endeavors. However, indirect wealth may also refer to unanticipated riches that is acquired via a windfall or bequest from a long-lost uncle or distant cousin. This kind of wealth can be referred to as “unexpected wealth.” Your natal chart has to include positive financial factors, especially indirect riches, as well as certain lucky stars, in order for you to be bestowed with such heavenly luck. Golden Carriage is recognized as one of the stars. It refers to the opportunities that exist for a person to acquire riches via their marriage, such as the prospect of marrying into a noble or affluent family. However, there is a prerequisite that has to be satisfied. It is essential that the wealth star be a beneficial component. Heavenly virtue and monthly virtue are two more types of riches stars that you should keep an eye out for. If you have these stars in your ba zi birth chart, you will be fortunate enough to meet with benefactors and experience a life with relatively few bumps or misfortunes. You will also have the opportunity to enjoy a reasonably smooth sailing existence. You may have faith that it will appear in your luck pillars even if it does not appear in your ba zi birth chart. free bazi analysis based on your birthday is available at proactive-qi.com and bazidestiny.yolasite.com, and either site will provide you with a reading or analysis of your ba zi based on the information you provide.