The majority of Xuan Kong flying star schools teach their students that it is possible to appraise a property by taking into account both the year it was built and the orientation of its compass. After that, a “flying star” chart is generated for the home, and it is determined that it was constructed within a certain time period. These distinct time periods each last for a total of twenty years. A home that was constructed between the years 1944 and 1963 is an example of a period 5 house. The home is then mended in a manner that is consistent with the energies it had at the time it was constructed. I have found this to be highly accurate and predictable, and I have a good deal of experience assessing properties based on when they were constructed. I have evaluated approximately 5,000 buildings in the first twenty years of my profession, so I have a significant bit of experience doing so. The original energies of a home may be altered in a number of different ways, such as when the home is subjected to a significant renovation, there is a huge fire on the property, or a significant piece of the roof is removed so that it is exposed to the open air. When a home is relocated from one area to another, it is, in all likelihood, the equivalent of a new house being rapidly constructed on the new plot of land where it is situated. There is another theory that is taught in at least one feng shui system, and some people speculate that it might be one of the false feng shui schools. To put it another way, this is a theory that was put forth and perpetuated by practitioners from centuries ago who did not want the knowledge of feng shui to be available to just anyone. There are many erroneous schools out there, and some of their adherents are unaware that their teachings were developed with the intention of misleading people or leading them down the incorrect road. We take it as a given that anybody living in contemporary times who is interested in feng shui may have access to a significant amount of knowledge about the practice. Nevertheless, this was not the case throughout history. This alternative method of calculating the age of a property takes into account when the resident moves in, rather than the date the house or structure was constructed. When I have done a comparison analysis in the past, I have found that this method is not an appropriate technique to diagnose a home, and I feel you should avoid using it. However, this is also a conclusion that would not always come to light, such as in the situation of a person moving into a home during the same time period that it was being constructed. As an example, if a period 7 home is any building constructed between the years 1984 and 2003 and an occupant moves into that house while it is still in the middle of its original construction period, then the date of occupation and the period of construction will be the same. The results of the computations wouldn’t change. The date of occupation hypothesis is also silent on the topic of inhabitants moving in and out of a bigger facility, which is a problem that has to be addressed. Would a practitioner of that school calculate one suite as belonging to one era and another as belonging to another period based only on the times when people are going in and out of the building? And how long would someone have to remain in a location before the floating star chart would be updated to reflect their new location? Some others believe that the current residents must vacate the premises immediately with all of their belongings and remain gone for the next three months. Is it possible for a visitor at a hotel to alter the schedule of the television in their room? People are given a lot of authority in all of these hypothetical settings to control the energies, but in my experience, the environment has more influence over a human than the individual has over the environment. Naturally, some of the schools that simplify things to an extreme don’t even consider the passage of time, which frees them from the responsibility of deciding which path to take. They should not be concerned about it. I make my home in Los Angeles, where I often come across homes that were constructed throughout a wide variety of eras and that may have had residents moving in and out of them every decade. As an example, I spend a lot of time seeing period 4 residences, which were constructed between the years 1924 and 1943. The current inhabitants, many of whom moved in within the last twenty years, are still being impacted by the original energies that were there when the buildings were first inhabited. In point of fact, a further piece of evidence that the year of building is the most significant and accurate approach to diagnosis a property is the fact that every time has certain characteristics that often fit the residents of the home no matter when they move in. People who were born in period 4 homes, for instance, have a powerful “4” energy in their souls. This energy is linked to creative vocations such as acting, writing, music, and the visual arts, as well as many others. The staggering number of individuals who work in the entertainment business and call these residences their home is shocking. If the time when the current residents came in was taken into consideration while assessing the impact of these residences, the results would be considerably different. Because of the year in which the building was constructed, the solutions that I suggested to the customers did not prove to be very effective. all the comments over the years has made me have rather strong opinions regarding this technical part of an assessment. Before beginning work on her novels, kartar diamond made the astute decision to do thorough research. In contrast to other feng shui writers who are not even consultants or who are new to the profession, Kartar writes from vast experience and has provided her readers with a large number of real-life case studies from which they may learn. In addition, kartar diamond provides consulting services all around the globe for projects of varying sizes. Visit the website for further details on the feng shui solutions and educational resources provided by Kartar Diamond.

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