Are you looking forward to leaving your house and getting to know the people in your dorm? The majority of college students said that they preferred living in their dormitories than living at home. They believe that it is more useful. I won’t waste your time with a lot of explanation; just look at the reasons why. The dorm is all about convenience. It is more practical to live in a dorm that is located close to your school. no more time spent traveling. It does not necessary indicate that you do not love your parents if you want to live in the dormitories rather than with them. In point of fact, they like the notion that you have become self-reliant and are robust enough to hold your own on your own. The cost of a dorm room is lower. If you continually ask your parents for money in the form of an allowance, you run the risk of upsetting them. It is far more convenient for everyone involved if they provide you allowances on a monthly basis and trust you to manage your money appropriately. The dorm is a comfortable environment. because you now have possession of a room. You now have more time to engage in activities that you previously avoided engaging in in front of your parents. It is not a problem to loaf about all day since you are certain that no one will reprimand you for it. Nobody will be concerned enough to tell you to hey, get some tasks done. Freedom is found in a dorm. The dorm is the space where you may socialize with your other roommates and other people. acting irrationally and uttering absurd things aloud. You are welcome to remain out beyond midnight so long as you have your own key with you ( well, some dorm has its own policy). dormitory is a secure location. Some dorms are often located very next to the schools, while others are located a short distance away. There is no need to spend time traveling to adjacent schools. There is not enough time for you to strike up conversations with strangers on the transit. There is absolutely no cause for you to be frightened if you arrive late to your dormitory. Unfortunately, we are now living in a harmful world. At night, we have to remember to lock our doors. When you’re in college, it’s a good idea to live in a dorm. And after that’s done, you’ll be able to see your parents and spend time with them. Keep in mind that staying at home is still preferable. about the writer: a journalist who hails from the state of California. He enjoys writing, as well as reading articles and top essay service essays. Because he is an introvert, he spends the most of his time penning posts for his own blog. Writing has always been both a pastime and a passion for him. His favorite line from the movie is as follows: Do not pity the dead… pity the living; and above all, all those who live without love. ― Professor Albus Dumbledore. Check out her account by clicking here: education, an essay, a college student, writing, a dorm, freedom, and safety are some articles that are relevant to this topic. Send a copy of this article to a friend via email! get emails with stories much like this one directly sent to your inbox.

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