Electronics are seen to have the ability to enliven a space and stir chi (also known as qi or energy) in a manner that is beneficial in the new age interpretation of feng shui. This is really one of the most strange conceptions to emerge out of the new age spin-off versions of this old tradition, when electronic instruments were not at all employed or written about as treatments for imbalanced spaces in any way, shape, or form (hundreds or thousands of years ago.) This is not to argue that contemporary pieces of décor or inventions cannot qualify as valid balance agents in a space; rather the contrary, in fact. A water fountain, for instance, is one of the most magnificent contemporary marvels, and it is something that we are able to use since electricity was invented. It would not be conceivable to introduce the natural element of moving water into interior areas if it were not possible to plug in these beneficial technologies. And yet, you don’t have to go very hard to obtain study results that warn us that being in chronic near proximity to electrical fields may cause a wide variety of health issues. These studies are readily available. It has been shown that spending long periods of time in front of a computer may cause eye strain and weariness. not to mention the fact that excessive stimulation from electronic gadgets might disrupt the normal circadian cycles that our bodies follow. Young children may be especially vulnerable to life-threatening diseases when exposed to strong electrical fields, and any fragile person should make every effort to restrict the amount of time they are exposed to electrical fields. Although it is practically difficult to avoid being exposed to electrical fields, it is a common misconception that the presence of electronic gadgets “livens up the chi” in a space. This is a misguided belief that may lead to health problems. What sorts of contemporary elements really meet the requirements to be considered valid feng shui remedies? The following is a condensed list of things that are examples of natural elements that may be found in many environments. water, including fountains with actual running water and aquariums with the tops removed (exposing the water to the qi in the room.) wood In places where the “wood phase” component is required, we may substitute living plants for the wood component. fire: an actual heat source, such as a blazing lamp or a candle that is being carefully watched as it burns, is unquestionably a depiction of the fire element; nevertheless, massive displays of the color red may also work. items made of genuine stone or soil, clay, or brick may function well as substitutes for the earth element in situations where it is required. gold, silver, brass, bronze, copper, and iron are all examples of metals that may be used in situations when an adjustment has to be made. When taken internally, colloidal silver helps eliminate germs and assist the body in recovering from illness more quickly. When we consider the five natural elements that have been used for the longest time and that are a part of a genuine feng shui audit, we can see that electronic devices do not easily fit into any of these element categories, with the exception of fire. Although electricity is considered to be the fire element, we more often refer to fire as “sha.” The term “sha” refers to anything that may be detrimental to our physical and mental health and well-being. As a comparison example, we might have metal “sha,” which would be anything made of sharp metal that may be physically hazardous to be near. Sha is a Japanese word for “cutting instrument.” The word “water sha” may be used to refer to filthy water that has become stagnant. This in no way suggests that people should avoid using their technological gadgets. In point of fact, a home sound system that is capable of bringing calming music into the space can be seen in no other way than a positive light. However, it is not really true or well thought out to believe that technological equipment is a feng shui solution in and of itself. Kartar Diamond is the proprietor of the worldwide consulting firm feng shui solutions. Because Kartar assists clients with both residential and commercial properties, no work is too big or too little for the company. Visit www.fengshuisolutions.net to discover more about Kartar’s learning tools and publications, as well as the manner in which she provides consultations both in-person and over the phone or internet.