Providing a Fair Warning Regarding the Coronavirus, the Economy, and the Great Eschaton Concerning the appearance of the coronavirus epidemic, there are certain people who are fully on board with the grim and serious warnings that have been issued. Some others, such as CNN, have already referred to it as a “pandemic.” On the other hand, others with more composed minds, both within and outside of prophetic warnings, are more wary and see it as a portent or even a recipe for global crises that have not yet materialized. Many people are speculating. Some people believe that Covid-19 is a bioweapon, while others, like as the astrobiologist Chandra Wickramasinghe of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, believe that it must have originated from outer space. Where does it come to an end? The origins of the new virus are still unknown, but the concerns that have been sparked by it have a life of their own and are, in some ways, more infectious than the virus itself. These worries have spread from Wuhan to the rest of the globe and from endemic to pandemic. Certain publications place a greater emphasis on the dread than they do on the containment and treatment of the virus. Now, there are many who envision it to be the big “teotwawki,” which is a pandemic that is uncontrollable and moves quickly, and it causes the globe to return to the days when oil burning lights and horses were the norm. And what about the eschatology of the Bible? In light of the fact that biblical prophecy is comprised of a multitude of facets and levels, it is plausible to assert that it is entirely feasible. The preceding prophecies have been completely true, and there is no chance that they could have been wrong in any way. All of the predictions that were made before, during, and after the Exile, as well as the messianic prophesies and the early stage pre-millennial prophecies, are completely correct. At the very beginning of the pre-millennial period, we are able to see the fulfillment of at least one of the biblical prophesies at that time. Prior to the complete eschaton, also known as the second coming of Christ, Christ sent a warning that a period of “pestilence” will begin all throughout the globe, along with other unsettling and frightening developments. Every country will rise up against every other nation, and every kingdom will rise up against every other kingdom. In addition, there will be earthquakes, famines, and pestilences in various locations. Matthew 24:7 According to the Bible, there will be a single global leader who will arise in the latter days. This is a well-known fact. In the future, he will exercise authority over every country, language, and tribe on the planet. The manner in which he acquires power is completely different from that of all the great despots and tyrants who came before him. Despite the fact that he is not opposed to the use of military force, he is able to get complete control of the situation by means of a “economic system.” Without exception, it will exert its influence on every single person on the planet. Up until this point, it has been particularly difficult to conceive of how or why all of the countries might bow to his system. It has been abundantly clear that all political ideologies are subject to the expediency of need, despite the fact that the majority of the globe is moving toward globalism and a smaller number of nations, such as the United States, are opting to adhere to nationalism. Necessity that arises as a result of global catastrophes, such as a pandemic caused by a virus, which destabilizes the economy of the whole globe and poses a significant danger to businesses and markets, if not completely. When a global financial crisis has occurred, it is more probable that an attempt to promote a new ideology will be successful than the introduction of a nation-saving economic system. A obligatory economic system will be implemented all across the world when the antichrist arrives. Revelation 13:16–17 There is a possibility that the coronavirus will not be the cause of the calamity this time; but, the warning and the recipe for disaster must not be ignored. Because of the coronavirus, the whole country of Italy is now under lockdown and is being isolated from the rest of the world. In the event if dozens other countries followed suit, the economy of the whole globe would collapse like a house of cards. As a matter of fact, eschatologists are the ones who are in the position to disseminate the most effective warning against the disasters that occurred the day before, and they do not have any fear of being characterized as people who do not believe in science. According to what Christ instructed us to do, we should give Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and give God the things that belong to God. We will give science all credit that is due to it and will fully appreciate all of the great advantages that it has brought to humanity; yet, we are aware that the future of people, countries, and the whole globe is not in the hands of Caesar’s scientists. The Lord is the one who is responsible for all of these things, and he says, “I create light and I create darkness; I generate prosperity and I create tragedy.” (Chapter 45:7 of the CSB) Related Nero blamed the Christians, while Ahab blamed the Prophet; the United States of America blames both! Are Americans attempting to find the moral low ground in order to get the economic high ground? Since 2005, Michael Bresciani has served as the editor of the website American Both Bresciani’s writings and reports, as well as those of some of the most talented authors and journalists in the United States, may be found on the website. His timely reports and writings have been published in print and online journals and magazines and have been read by millions of people all over the world and nationwide. Please pay us a visit on GAB and SocialCross, as well as on WhatsApp and Facebook.