Should you turn your back on your greatest personal directions or should you confront those best personal directions? Should you sleep with your head pointing to one of your preferred directions, or should you sleep with your feet pointing in that direction? When first hearing about the eight mansion school, also known as the east-west school, many individuals have these questions running through their heads. Everyone is born with a set of preferred directions that are determined by their gender and the year of their birth. This sub-division of feng shui considers not only the activities that take place inside a space but also the people who occupy that area. Notwithstanding that, you have more than one viable path to go. You may travel in any one of these eight ways, but only four of them will assist you. A guy who was born in 1966, for instance, has a west personality type, whereas a man who was born in 1964 has an east personality type. The directions west, southwest, northwest, and northeast make up the westerly directions. The directions east, southeast, south, and north make up the easterly directions. The qualities of a direction that are said to be beneficial for you vary from having a strong potential for creating energy and bringing success to having a calming or soothing effect. The aspects of your “personal trigram” that are seen as unfavorable might make you more likely to be involved in an accident, more likely to get into an argument, more likely to get into legal trouble, and more likely to suffer financial loss. Once you have determined which of your instructions are excellent and which are poor, you may put that knowledge to use in a variety of settings, including the following: • when you sleep, lie down on top of your head with your head facing one of your favorable directions. • if you are attempting to study or focus when you are alone yourself, sit with your back to one of the directions that helps you the most. • When you are engaging with other people in a professional setting, such as a business partnership, teaching, lecturing, consulting, or negotiating, face one of your excellent directions. • Use one of your strong directional sectors to enter a building, such as a home or business. These are only few instances among many more. It is predicated on the idea that the facing side of your body, similar to how the side of a home that faces the street is the more “yang” side of the building. The rear of a person’s body, like the sitting side of a home, is considered to be more “yin.” •you even have the option of selecting a residence that corresponds to your status as either a “west type” or a “east type” individual, depending on which description best fits you. • You are able to place a desk in a directional sector of a room that is conducive to your own trigram if you so want. You need to make use of a real compass in order to figure out where these genuine directions are, all of which are related to the center of a floor plan. And rather than using actual north as a point of reference, we do it in feng shui, we utilize magnetic north. Depending on where you are in the globe, this might result in a difference that ranges from negligible to large. To put it another way, it’s possible that what you see on a map and what your compass shows you won’t be a perfect match at all. You may give yourself a lift by following the course of action that you favor. It may make itself known in your personal life or it may provide you an advantage in the workplace. When they follow their best compass directions, a lot of individuals say they get better sleep and feel less anxious as a result. The payoff for making these minor adjustments to how you position yourself at work and at home may include, among other things, success in business as well as the perception of being more trustworthy and pleasant by others. This, however, does not apply to decisions about bigger geographic regions, such as where part of the nation one should dwell in. To put it another way, a person who is considered to have a “east type” is not always destined to reside on the east coast. Visit the website of kartar diamond at to learn more about kartar’s books, ebooks, and on-line mentorship program, in addition to consultations in person or over a long distance.