Last but not least, we are seeing a hint of autumn here in New England. At this point, the trees are beginning to exhibit their true colors. We’ve had a couple nights that have been rather chilly, with temperatures not far from the freezing point. The recollections of previous Halloween parties that have been floating about in the back of my mind come to the forefront now that Halloween is just ten days away. When we were little, my sister, brother, and I would rummage through the closets and try to figure out what we would be. We would also try to figure out what we would be. Hoboeism was something that I was always destined to become. Neither the financial resources nor the skills that I have were sufficient to purchase items such as princess costumes, nor were they sufficient to execute such a task. There is a distinct change in the memories that occur throughout the college years. When we went around to different fraternities and gave them mugs as a kind of trick or treat, we almost always got into some kind of difficulty. A Halloween party was held for the children of the members of the Fire Department, who lived in a small town in the United States. Due to the fact that my husband was a volunteer, we would travel there every year. A blow-up object that was worn on the head of our eldest kid was discovered by us one year. It was rather bold. Although she was a happy youngster, she did not win any prizes despite her efforts to stand out from the throng. Child number two received the outfit the next year after it had been passed down. With that, he was awarded the first prize. One of the children was irate. While we were young people who were married, we went to parties that were of a different nature. On the other hand, the goal was to disappear without leaving any trace. I was dressed like a mummy, covered in layers of shredded sheets and gauze, and my spouse wore army fatigues. We were able to do this a year ago. One of the most enjoyable aspects of that get-together was the fact that their kid, who was almost an adult at the time, was astonished that he was unable to identify the wearer of all that makeup. Mission successfully completed. On the evening of Trick or Treat, despite the fact that I am not very skilled in crafts, I do make an attempt to make the house an inviting place for the youngsters out in the neighborhood. Having a reputation for giving out candy bars that are filled to the brim has not been detrimental to that. I also make an effort to decorate for just one evening, but this is contingent on both my time and my financial resources. Choosing patterns for the carving of pumpkins used to take me many days in the past, and I often experimented with three distinct ideas. An additional thing that I do is buy white lunch bags and then decorate them with a black cutout of either a bat, a hissing cat, or a witch. Sand is used to make it heavier, and then a tea light that is powered by a battery is placed inside of it. These are the items that I use to line the path leading up to the front entrance. Motion-activated, a horrific witch that cackles greets the youngsters as they enter the house. The witch is located at the entrance. To the surprise of more than one adult who was following her, she glides only a few feet away from the entrance. Have a good time! My home has been a gathering place for LGBT divorcees and widows in recent times. Over the course of the dinner, we take turns answering the door and handing out sweets to everyone. We make an effort to play cards in the pauses that occur between the ringing of the doorbell. There are times when we are unable to keep track of who is playing, yet despite this, we still manage to have a wonderful time, eat chocolate, and have a satisfying supper. It is also during the month of October that I begin baking for the upcoming holidays. I have fruitcakes that I prepare in large quantities, and I give them out as presents to my family and friends. To our good fortune, it is a recipe that works well. It was carried over from England on the boat that my mother took when she emigrated to the United States. The event takes place over the course of two days, and since I bake so many of them, you never know when the kitchen will be flooded with the perfume of them. One of my most treasured recollections of Halloween is of a day spent participating in the Trick or Treat tradition. The fruitcakes were being removed from the oven, and I was handing out candy to the customers. There were two young guys who were leaving the door, and I overheard one of them saying to the other, “Boy. There was no doubt that the place smelled fantastic.

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