According to the Greek myth, Zeus plundering Europa and coming to the island of Grete to give birth to two sons, one of them was named Minos and became the ruler of Grete and married Pasi. Pallas and Centaur are based on this myth. There was a secret love affair that the restless Pasi had with a bull, and as a result, she gave birth to a monstrous Centaur that was half human and half bull. In the end, Pasi was unable to escape the labyrinth in order to avert the controversy. Within every seven years, Minos made a request to the conquered Athens that they give tribute to seven children in honor of Centaur. Through the use of this mythical picture, the scenario of Pallas capturing Centaur was presented. During the Early Renaissance period, painters were still unable to escape the influence of the gods. As a result, they relied solely on mythical and religious subjects to describe their own understanding of real life. This was done in order to convey the artist’s perspective and attitude toward the entire world and life. This picture was a representation of praise for virtue and retribution for wickedness. Not only did this artwork have a rather realistic approach, but it also had a lot of ornamental elements. At the same time as the painter was adding the light and dark approach, the lines were the primary focus of the painter’s attention. The figures were beautiful and slim, and they were clothed in sophisticated pneumatic attire. The intricate pleat in the skirt established the flow rhythm attractive lines, and the body was firmly wrapped by the close-fitting garments pleat, which displayed the beauty of the lovely human figure. The painter overlooked the depiction of the inner spirit communication between the figures and instead concentrated on the structural beauty of the shape, which resulted in the painting being very flawless and being devoid of any movement. According to the Greek myth, Zeus plundering Europa and coming to the island of Grete to give birth to two sons, one of them was named Minos and became the ruler of Grete and married Pasi. Pallas and Centaur are based on this myth. There was a secret love affair that the restless Pasi had with a bull, and as a result, she gave birth to a monstrous Centaur that was half human and half bull. In the end, Pasi was unable to escape the labyrinth in order to avert the controversy. Within every seven years, Minos made a request to the conquered Athens that they give tribute to seven children in honor of Centaur. Through the use of this mythical picture, the scenario of Pallas capturing Centaur was presented. During the Early Renaissance period, painters were still unable to escape the influence of the gods. As a result, they relied solely on mythical and religious subjects to describe their own understanding of real life. This was done in order to convey the artist’s perspective and attitude toward the entire world and life. This picture was a representation of praise for virtue and retribution for wickedness. Not only did this artwork have a rather realistic approach, but it also had a lot of ornamental elements. At the same time as the painter was adding the light and dark approach, the lines were the primary focus of the painter’s attention. The figures were beautiful and slim, and they were clothed in sophisticated pneumatic attire. The intricate pleat in the skirt established the flow rhythm attractive lines, and the body was firmly wrapped by the close-fitting garments pleat, which displayed the beauty of the lovely human figure. The painter overlooked the depiction of the inner spirit communication between the figures and instead concentrated on the structural beauty of the shape, which resulted in the painting being very flawless and being devoid of any movement.

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