The painting “Luncheon of the Boating Party” was created by Renoir during the summer of 1881. It was possible for us to see the portrait of Renoir’s wife, Arina Sarigo, in the picture that he had created. In the forefront of the painting, she was seen interacting with a dog. Renoir became involved in the atmosphere of the “Moulin Rouge street dance,” which had first inspired him. This was made possible by the clever lady, the delicious wine, the gorgeous setting, the exquisite game, and the engaging chat, which served as one of the primary attractions of life in Paris. Naturally, Renoir did not experience any social restrictions in this instance, and he continued to be at ease with his distinctive impressionistic writing style. He utilized a set of all the rules in order to achieve a vivid and fantastic composition, and he did so more than ever before in order to emphasize the individual form by making greater use of more vibrant colors. While it is true that this impressionist painting was Renoir’s last effort during the impressionist era, it is also true that it is a perfect distillation of his childhood. Renoir was driven mostly by a desire to create art. He did not believe that it would restrict his artistic pursuits; on the contrary, he praised it for this same reason “In addition to being round, the breast is a warm organ. There is a possibility that I would not have become an artist if God did not make a woman’s breast.” He was unaware of the fact that his desire was so full of enchantment at all times, and that every sensation he obtained from nature was recreated by his own free imagination. At the same time as he was seeing the naked models and painting with flowers, he also saw a group of roses and carefully examined the color of their skin. Even when he was in his senior years, Garner’s brilliant sunlight and intoxicating rich color continued to stir his desire and elevate his love for sublimation to the level of art. Without displaying any signs of wild, widespread greed, Renoir handled the flesh in the same manner as he would a piece of exquisite lamb steak.

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