The need for steel in the Asean market is high; however, since the local iron and steel sector is underdeveloped, the Asean nations mostly depend on imports to satisfy their demand for steel. In 2012, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) overtook South Korea to become China’s top exporter of steel. January to July of 2013 scenario of Chinese steel shipments to Asean countries The most recent numbers from customs reveal, China’s steel exports mostly flow to korea and asean nations from january to july of 2013. Out of the top ten countries for china’s steel export volume, asean countries accounted for six of those spots, while south korea is still rated first. The first seven months of the year saw a rise of 13.7 percent in steel exports from China, bringing the total to 35.84 million tons. accounted for 26.73 percent of china’s total steel exports during which time the total amount of steel exported to the Asean region reached 9.58 million tons, representing an increase of 34 percent. Aside from the month of january, the monthly amount of Chinese steel shipments to Asean is more than 1 million tons. which reached a peak of 1,789,200 tons in March owing to seasonal considerations, before seeing a subsequent fall in export quantities. The amount of steel capacity that was exported from Asean countries to China decreased to 1.167 million tons in July. Look from the national, Vietnam has surpassed Thailand to become China’s top steel exporter in the ASEAN region, with 2.15 million tons of total quantity exported. The second and third largest destinations for Chinese steel imports are Thailand and Singapore, each with more than 1.5 million tons. whereas the amount of steel that is sent to indonesia, the philippines, and malaysia together exceeds one million tons. The amount of steel that was sent to these six nations accounted for 92.6% of the total amount of steel that was exported to the ASEAN region. examination of the many types of steel that China supplies to the ASEAN countries The sheet product remains the most common form of china steel exported to the ASEAN region, followed by the wire rod, angle profiles, and tubes. To be more specific, China shipped 3.89 million tons of plates to Asean, which accounted for 40.61 percent of total steel exports; 3.41 million tons of wire rod, which accounted for 35.61 percent; 1.04 million tons of angle profiles and 80 million tons of tubes, which accounted for 10.89 percent and 8.38 percent of total exports, respectively. the steel market scenario in the main ASEAN nations At the moment, the supply of steel in the nations that make up the ASEAN market is still inadequate. In 2011, crude steel production in six major asean member states reached 20.65 million tons, which is an increase of 5 percent. This resulted in the year’s steel consumption rising to 54 million tons, which is an increase of 7 percent. Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Singapore were the countries contributing to this rise. The majority of the rise in asean steel consumption may be attributed to the fast expansion of imports. Imports of steel into the ASEAN region increased by 8 percent in 2012, reaching a total of 36.9 million tons. More than 80 percent of all imported steel is used in the construction and shipbuilding sectors. It is still the case that Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan are the primary importers of steel into the Asean market. 2010 saw the formal inauguration of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, which resulted in China and 10 other asean nations entering an era of zero tariffs. This resulted in a significant rise in the amount of steel exports from China to the other asean countries. The percentage of steel goods made in China that make up the overall imports into the ASEAN region has been growing annually. In 2009, just ten percent of all steel that was imported into the ASEAN region came from China. However, in 2010, this percentage jumped to seventeen percent, and in 2011, it increased even more to twenty-three percent, making China the second biggest steel importer in the ASEAN region. According to statistics provided by the South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute (seaisi), in 2012, asean imports of longs from China increased by more than double the previous figure. The number of profiles that were exported from china to the other countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) climbed by 70 percent in 2017. The imports of wire rods from China have also increased by more than twice as much, reaching 100 million tons. China is the largest importer of hot-rolled sheet, but the total amount of hot-rolled plates only increased by 3 percent last year and remained at 100 million tons for the whole year. Recent years have seen a tremendous development in the construction sector of Asean nations, which has resulted in an increased demand for various building materials as well as a significant market potential. In the same way as malaysia and singapore both contribute for more than 70 percent of the philippines’ total steel consumption, the philippines’ consumption of steel has reached an astounding 81 percent. Steel trade conflict between Asean and China to elevate Asean to officially overtake south korea and become one of China’s major steel export zones last year. At the same time, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (asean) has been elevated to the role of main sponsors for the trade remedy investigations involving Chinese steel goods. As a result of the current state of the world economy, the demand for steel on the national level has decreased while the supply has increased. Since 2013, the nations of Southeast Asia’s Association of Southeast Asian Nations have been taking more aggressive actions against China in an effort to defend their indigenous steel industries’ profits. 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