When it comes to making instruments for professional success, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the intricate principles that underpin insurance. With this objective in mind, the eleventh great insurance concepts are brought together. This reference book offers a complete vision insurance policy as well as the opportunity to have a better understanding of the methods associated with each form of risk. It addresses the legal and technical needs of the industry, as well as the most important economic and social elements of the sector in contemporary society, and it also discusses the most important components of the insurance market. In the 2013 version, the notion of insurance agency is discussed in its triple dimension, which includes insurers operating under the Insurance Code, mutual funds, and pension funds. This is in line with the current state of affairs. In addition, in order to recognize and foresee the challenges that are now and will be associated with the profession in the future, the expanding normative role of the Prudential Control Authority and the major concerns of Solvency 2 are taken into consideration. Taking a staged approach, the book is organized into three sections, which are as follows: • Concepts that are fundamental to insurance ( environmental , technical bases, different insurance companies , professional bodies and control, life insurance policy , insurance intermediation , etc.). • insurance coverage for damages (liability, automobile , property and casualty , legal protection) • coverage for both individual and group insurance (Accident , health, life , retirement savings , dependence)