Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), who was a prolific painter all over the world and was regarded as the greatest painter of Spain by King Charles IV, painted the famous portrait of Charles IV of Spain and His Family in the year 1800. This portrait is considered to be one of the most famous portraits ever painted. This oil painting was commissioned by Charles IV on the day that he was crowned, and it depicts the actual royal family as well as his supporters via the use of striking facial expressions and movements that are performed in a realistic manner. In order to avoid the number 13 (actually there’re only 13 people stood in front of Goya), Goya painted himself into this painting (the one stands under the dark in the left back row, also reflecting Goya observed and mocked the Royal on the other hand) Goya described the King who was atrocious and short-sighted by his numb countenance, fat body( some said his fat body like the turkey on the oven) and arrogant posture, the Queen, was weird (her neck twisted) although she pretend to be serious and earnest, selfish and cunning; the King’s sister(the five from left) was so ugly that the painter didn’t know how to describe therefore he made the lady’s face looking in the back; the rest ones, some stretch the chests and expand the bellies; some are zombie; the kids’ countenances are stiffness a One of the most important aspects of this portraiture painting is that it depicts the genuine life and history of King Charles IV, demonstrating the author’s use of sarcasm and mockery.

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