Claude Monet’s masterwork, “Impression, Soleil Levant,” which was completed between 1840 and 1926, is the source of both the term and the genre of impressionism ( Impression Sunrise ). During that time period, critics said that their paintings were more of an impression than visuals. Is it necessary for all of the paintings that are for sale to be images? The term “impressionist” was coined by Monet and other painters, who took the phrases of critics and used them accordingly. They employ entirely new methods of painting, and they use the strongest colors when they paint. They are passionate about capturing the fleeting moments when the lights and shadows shift. They show us the world in a totally different manner, providing us with a glimpse of the glorious dawn over the ocean, the bustling and packed streets, and the gardens filled with flowers. They transport us to a place far off from conflicts and sorrows, they extol the splendor of nature with impassioned acclaim, and they reveal the reality of existence to us. In the early hours of the morning, the fog that covers the Port of Le Havre encompasses all of the buildings on the beach, as well as the cranes and the boats. It seems as if the sun suddenly leaps out of the water and begins to gently climb higher into the sky. There are rays of sunshine that penetrate the dense fog, and they tint the sky with a rich and clinking hue. Red, purple, orange, and yellow patches appear on the water surface as a result of the boats’ sweeping motion, which causes the sea surface to reflect all of the hues. In the painting “Impression, Soleil Levant” by Claude Monet, this is the scenario. He was just 34 years old when he completed it. Le Havre, a city located in the north of France, was the place where the painter spent his boyhood. He has a passion for discovering new approaches to drawing methods and is not ready to be confined by dogma, which has resulted in the incorporation of reforms and innovations into his many works. Many people believe that Claude Monet was one of the most influential artists who established impressionism.