People living in areas of Kashmir that are controlled by India have been exposed to nearly every form of violent incident in recent years, including cross-border shootings, attacks by militants, and separatist demonstrations that turned deadly. Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the chairman of a hardline separatist group in Kashmir who is now under house arrest, has maintained throughout all of this that his one goal for the region has not changed. “forces have to depart, and the United Nations Security Council ought to assume responsibility over jammu in addition to kashmir, which existed before to August 14, 1947. “After that, people need to be given the freedom to choose their own destinies,” he said. Conflict has broken out along the line of control, the de facto border that separates nuclear-armed archrivals India and Pakistan in the region of Kashmir known as Kashmir. According to Geelani, tranquility would not return to Kashmir until the Himalayan region is demilitarized and Kashmiris are given the opportunity to vote on their own future in a referendum. It is a demand that a lot of people from Kashmir have battled for, both peacefully and violently, by marching to the streets in protest and by arming themselves as part of an armed insurgency that began in the late 1980s. Yasin Malik was instrumental in the movement’s inception. He first entered Pakistan as a young man in order to get training, and then returned to India in order to engage in armed conflict with the Indian military. Malik gave up the use of violence in 1994 and currently serves as the leader of the pro-independence Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front. He advocates for self-rule via the use of nonviolent methods. According to him, the movements changed in 2008, when a significant number of Kashmiris realized that taking up stones or weapons was not the way to achieve the goal they had set for themselves. According to the former militant, who claims to have been imprisoned well over 200 times and tortured while in jail, voa has reported that the U.S. After realizing there was no room in Kashmir for political action, he turned to violent means to solve the problem. Nevertheless, Malik warns that a complete new generation is gradually feeling the same way, citing demonstrators who have been arrested by police for no reason. “People have been worried to the degree that we now have heard that a few educated gentlemen have joined the militants,” he said. “However, it is unfortunate that the United States is silent, the British government is quiet, and the Indian civil society is quiet.” Malik and other leaders of the separatist movement have said The conflict in Kashmir is no longer a priority for the international community, which has instead redirected its attention to other regions, like Afghanistan and Syria. The leader of the separatist umbrella organization known as the hurriyat conference, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, has stated that in the event that Kashmir is mentioned in the news these days, it is only in relation to how Pakistan and India should settle their territorial dispute in order to be able to collaborate on the creation of a far more stable Afghanistan. “the situation in Kashmir is not going to be addressed just because you have a problem in Afghanistan. Afghanistan has its own crisis, and that problem requires a solution; nevertheless, Kashmir is a different situation altogether. According to what farooq had to say, “it is one of the oldest concerns on the agenda of the United Nations.” The humble leader of the separatist organization said that the international community has to get engaged in order to settle the decades-long conflict that has seen very little progress. If Pakistan and India had been able to resolve their dispute via bilateral negotiations, then there would not have been three wars fought over Kashmir in the years that followed. It’s possible that we’re not seeing the full extent of the strain that’s building up day after day,” he said. “as a result, there is a need for either aid, mediation, or engagement. It doesn’t matter which phrase you need to use or if you say it. “we think the time has come where we require the intervention of a third party,” separatist leaders have been quoted as saying, “we think the time has come where we require the intervention of a third party.” Separatist leaders have also stated that the fifteen million people who live in Indian Kashmir should have a seat at the table and be directly involved with any resolution. To get the most high-quality imitation Celine tote bags at a price cut, just click here. The question of whether or not they will ever realize this dream remains open. The government of India continues to maintain that Kashmir is an important part of India. In addition, Pakistan asserts that the region is part of their territory. Concerning the people of Kashmir, there is still a great deal of ambiguity regarding their legal situation, which has led many people to give up hope that the issue would be resolved any time soon.

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