Many individuals have some knowledge of the principles of feng shui, particularly those that pertain to the positioning of furniture. A significant portion of this is based on ideas that examine how different architectural and design layouts influence the flow of energy or air currents across a place. Where items are put may shift the energy in a space, which in turn can have a predictable influence on a person’s health, profession, and relationships. In fact, feng shui was commonly referred to as “the art of placement” in the early 1990s. The forecasts that are made using traditional feng shui might be rather precise. For instance, not only are we able to determine whether or not a person is dissatisfied in the main relationship they are in, but we may also be able to determine whether or not the reason is cheating. When location and time are taken into consideration, we are able to generate a one-of-a-kind matrix of energy patterns for any floor layout. Those who are acquainted with astrology are aware that an astrologer may provide their client with a list of the finest days and times to begin a significant activity that may have long lasting effects. The same is true for the practice of feng shui. When we combine data about the occupants or owners of the home or company with information about the property or business itself, we are able to come to these conclusions. Classical feng shui can determine the best and worst times to do certain things, such as the best date to launch a magazine, have a grand opening for a business, stick a shovel in the ground to start a demolition, sign a contract, put a house up for sale, try to get pregnant, or have surgery, as well as any number of other momentous commitments. Some factors of time include the following: • long term energies based on when the structure was created; • changing energies depending on when the structure was rebuilt; • 20-year phases that all structures move through at some point in time; • yearly cycles that all structures pass through; • monthly cycles, and even daily cycles; and • an example of energy generation that is permanent and dependent on building year: renal, blood, or circulation issues might develop in the residents of a home constructed in 1970 and oriented toward the south. People living in a home that was constructed in the 1950s and faces north may have health issues related to their hearts or eyes. The situation of a one-story house that has its ceiling and roof exposed to the sky while a second-story addition is being constructed is a good illustration of how the energy of the home might shift as a result of remodeling. The “locked phase” is an example of a phase that all constructions go through after 20 years, and it is the period that may badly damage a home that is otherwise in excellent condition. For instance, any home that was constructed between 1984 and 2003 and with a northwest-facing orientation is presently in a “money lock” for the next 20 years, which might make it more difficult for the residents to achieve financial success. There are a variety of other housing styles, constructed throughout a variety of ages and oriented in a variety of ways, that are also subject to the influence of the “locked” phase. Because the energy in a home fluctuates from year to year, I always have a lot of work to do during the final few months of the year to provide my customers with yearly updates. This keeps me extremely busy. The dormant or latent energies are often activated when yearly cycles occur. For instance, a home may always be susceptible to burglary, but during specific years, that susceptibility may become much more pronounced. The monthly cycles come and go swiftly, but strategic planning might include the ideal month to start a renovation, attempt to become pregnant with a boy or girl, try to spark a new love connection, win a competition, or find a job, just to mention a few of the more typical requests I receive from customers. There are a lot of cliches and sayings in our society that are actually just notions from feng shui that reflect the passage of time. The expressions “right location, right time,” “wrong place, wrong time,” “an accident waiting to happen,” and “timing is important” are among my favorites. kartar diamond conducts consultations with hundreds of new customers each year, but she also stays in touch with her previous customers by providing yearly updates. Certain customers need guidance on a monthly basis in order to choose the best time to carry out significant activities. Go to to learn more about Kartar Diamond’s on-line mentorship group, as well as the books, ebooks, services, and other offerings that he provides.

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