Not only what to use and where to use it, but also the time of when to employ different treatments is included into a Feng shui study. Whenever I do consultations with clients, I always make it a point to establish the sorts of long-term and yearly treatments that need be put in place. What do you mean by a remedy? A color or piece of furniture in a room that symbolizes one of the five elements may act as a cure in that space (water, wood, fire, earth, metal.) A remedy can also be a recommendation on where to position a piece of furniture such as a desk or bed, and this placement is typically a long-term recommendation based on the best energy flow for the room as well as the person’s best personal directions. For example, a remedy could be a bed or a desk. There are also yearly cycles, as well as monthly cycles, in addition to the semi-permanent and annual cycles. Helping clients with fertility issues, remodeling concerns, surgery recovery, sending out resumes, putting a house on the market, traveling, protecting against accidents or break-ins, and a whole host of other circumstances that can be a focal point more in some months than others are examples of situations that call for monthly remedies or noting monthly cycles. In point of fact, even if the annual energy in a home or company does not support a particular objective, there may be a window of opportunity in the form of better months during which one may achieve their objective without suffering any adverse consequences. There are even daily cycles that may be used, and on those particular days there are certain feng shui cures that should be applied in different regions of the floor plan. The parallel science of Chinese astrology designates the month of February as the month of the tiger each and every year. Each of the twelve chinese zodiac signs corresponds to one of the months of the year, and each individual also has a connection with one of these signs. I have already sent my customers who have already gotten their 2011 yearly update with their lu cun fortunate money days. These lucky money days are related with one of the twelve chinese zodiac signs; however, it is not often the person’s own zodiac sign. In a broad sense, the month that corresponds to your lu cun fortunate money might be the finest month for you to make a significant financial choice or take a financial risk. For instance, if the days of the week that bring you the most luck with money are tigers, then February, the month of the tiger, may also prove to be one of your most successful months. It is the year of the tiger in February, the rabbit in March, the dragon in April, the snake in May, the horse in June, the sheep in July, the monkey in August, the rooster in September, the dog in October, the pig in November, the rat in December, and the ox in January. However, in accordance with the western calendar, the beginning of these monthly cycles does not occur on the first day of each month. In our western calendar, they begin sometime around the middle of the second week of each month. The Chinese have a calendar that is often referred to as the “10,000 Year Calendar.” Although this calendar does not really cover a period of 10,000 years, it is regarded as an important calendar since it provides guidance on when certain tasks should or should not be performed. Everything is calculated, and a lot of arithmetic is involved. Since 1992, kartar diamond has been offering consultation services in traditional feng shui. Her qualifications include the fact that she has studied with some of the most prominent masters in the world, such as master Sung, who taught at the American Feng Shui Institute, where Kartar later became a senior teacher. Visit Kartar’s website at for additional information about consultations, yearly updates, the design phase, and the use of feng shui in various contexts, such as the search for a new home.

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