See Why Right Now Is An Excellent Time To Update Your Website, As Well As How To Do So Here. It can be a time-consuming and challenging process to design a website that increases conversions by catering to the needs and desires of potential customers. In addition to a number of other requirements, it has to have a fantastic appearance, the user interface has to be perfect, and you have to figure out how to express everything that must be said while using as little words as is humanly feasible. Believe it or not, even after developing websites for the past two decades, making something that satisfies all of those requirements still feels like a significant accomplishment. It calls for perseverance and effort, as well as a set of specialized abilities that are difficult, if not impossible, for a single person to fully master. In light of this, I’d like to impart some of the knowledge that I’ve gained over the past two decades. In this article, I’m going to show how you may develop the most effective website content strategy and ensure that your website is on the right route, rather than on the road to nowhere in particular. How to Develop the Most Effective Content Strategy for Your Website 1) Conduct a Market Share Study A strong website content strategy must begin with a solid foundation in the same way that a house does. Therefore, the very first thing that you need to accomplish is conduct an examination of your brand. This will serve as the basis upon which the entirety of the rest of your website will be constructed. An in-depth analysis of your brand will take into account a great deal of information, including, but not limited to, a review of the demographic(s) you intend to sell to, the qualities that set you apart from competitors, and the challenges that prospective clients face. When you are conducting an analysis of your brand, the following are some questions that you should ask yourself: Who are the most formidable adversaries I face? Who are the types of people who would be most likely to become my customers? I want to connect with this audience on an emotional level, but how can I do that? What expressions can I use to create a connection between the two of us on an emotional level? What kinds of pictures can I use to get a strong emotional reaction from people? Why should someone do business with me rather than with my rivals? Which particular difficulties can I help my ideal clients solve, and which unique wants can I satisfy for those customers? What are some of the challenges, difficulties, or problems that potential clients are encountering in their lives? When responding to these questions, you should provide as much specifics as you possibly can; the more information you provide, the better. After you have finished conducting this analysis, you will have everything at your disposal to begin the process of developing your content. 2) Be Sure to Be Specific One of the things that may be particularly aggravating for people who own their own businesses is having to find out how to express the appropriate information in a way that is clear-cut and brief. When we write or design something, it always seems to make sense to us. However, regardless of how fascinating or succinct we believe it to be, what truly counts is how potential buyers perceive it. Because of this, conducting an early examination of the brand is really vital. It is a technique that allows you to put yourself in the shoes of your ideal customers and analyze the world from their point of view. For instance, only recently, my team and I have been putting in work on a website for a company that handles payment processing. On the front page of their website, one of the things we want to highlight is what sets them distinct from the other companies in their industry. The fact that this is a website about payment processing, however, ended up getting buried in our haste to push these points, and as a result, we had to go back to the drawing board to make some adjustments. Therefore, make it a point to be as specific as possible, and under no circumstances should you presume that your audience will comprehend what you are attempting to communicate simply because it makes sense to you. You have to think about things from the point of view of people who might end up being consumers first and foremost. READ: How to Use Search Engine Optimization to Inform the Content Strategy of Your Website Using Search Engine Optimization to Guide the Content Strategy of Your Website If you want to learn more, this blog should provide some additional insight and there are a lot of factors to consider when building a successful content strategy for a website, so if you are interested in learning more, click here. When it comes to the content of your website, this article will provide you with a number of different things to think about, particularly in regard to the principles of search engine optimization, such as header tags, local search, and a number of other things. Check out our website for further reading. 3) Try to be Brief At this point, you are probably asking why being concise is considered to be of such utmost importance. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the infamous study that Microsoft conducted on the length of the human attention span, allow me to provide some background information. I’m sure that many of you already know about it. Back in 2015, Microsoft Canada carried out a research project with the objective of determining people’s attention spans by having them play a series of video games, filling out a questionnaire, and participating in neurological research that involved electroencephalography to monitor their brain activity. The study featured a number of important insights, but the part that ended up garnering all the attention (and the part that Microsoft ended up getting all the credit for) was actually data from a research institute called Statistic Brain that Microsoft acknowledged in the paper. According to those statistics, the typical attention span of a human being is somewhere around eight seconds, which, at least according to Statistic Brain, is shorter than the typical attention span of a goldfish. To put it another way, you have around eight seconds to grab the attention of a potential buyer before they click away from your website. Having said that, while you are writing the text for your website, you should make an effort to limit your writing to paragraphs that only contain one sentence as much as it is possible to do so. People just don’t enjoy reading, and when they see a large block of text, their eyes are going to glaze over, they’re not going to read it, and you’ve already lost them. This is as unfortunate as it is to say, but it’s the truth. Therefore, while you are creating the material for your website, you should make sure to be as succinct as you possibly can and, in general, you should attempt to use as few words as is possible. 4) Pay Attention to Your Clientele Making everything about themselves and their company is a common and commonplace gaffe committed by owners of businesses. This phrasing appears on a great number of websites that I’ve seen. They talk about how dedicated the company is to their mission, how much they adore their consumers, and how wonderful their products and/or services are, but they don’t put any emphasis on the customers themselves. According to what Donald Miller mentioned in his book Building a StoryBrand, the client, not your brand, is the hero. screen for the douma leadership conference Our customer Yvonne from Douma Leadership instantly addresses her target audience by making a pledge to assist them with the business goals they are working for. This one-sentence realization is one of the most profound pieces of advice I’ve ever been given, and it’s been important in reshaping the way I consider the field of marketing. I’m not arguing that writing a mission statement or discussing how you got your business started on a about page is a bad idea. However, the fact of the matter is that very few people are truly interested in your firm, its core values, and how it first got started. At the end of the day, what clients are looking for in a website is something that places the focus on them and tells them what you can do for them â what problems you can solve for them, what needs and desires you can satisfy for them. Everything else is largely unimportant to the majority of people’s perspectives. Therefore, while you are planning the content strategy for your website, you should aim to place potential consumers in the spotlight and position yourself as the guide who is going to aid them on that long, difficult road towards satisfying their needs and wishes or finding a solution to their problems. 5) Carry Out Research Regarding Keywords Nothing is more crucial than keywords when you are trying to target the clients who are the best fit for your business. If the correct people aren’t finding your website, then all of your efforts to analyze your brand till the cows come home, be as brief and clear as possible, and put the spotlight on potential customers will be in naught. However, you can analyze your brand until the cows come home. You will have already established your target audience(s) by the time you have finished your brand research, so a good portion of the work that needs to be done has already been done. However, now that you know which audiences to target, you need to determine what it is that these audiences are searching for so that you may select the appropriate keyword phrases. You have access to a wide variety of tools that you can use to carry out this keyword research; however, the fundamentals will not change regardless of whatever tool you select. First, you decide the audience(s) you want to target, and then you research what information they are looking for. After that, you need to evaluate how this pertains to your company and think about ways in which you may include those keyword phrases into the content of your website. However, avoid being overly general. For instance, if you are a plumber headquartered in Vancouver and your target audience consists of people who are looking for a plumber in the Vancouver area, it does not make sense to target the term plumber because this is simply too generic. Instead, it would make more sense to target a phrase that is more specific, such as plumber in Vancouver. Instead, it would make more sense to target a word that is considerably more particular, such as a plumber in Vancouver or a plumbing service in Vancouver. In any event, it does not matter which keywords you are attempting to rank for; the most important thing is to make sure you use them sparingly and include them into your material in a way that is grammatically good and sounds natural. Do you feel as though you won’t be able to keep up with all of this work? When you work with a professional website marketing firm, you won’t have to do everything on your own to design an effective website content strategy. This is a huge benefit of working with a professional website marketing company. We are able to assist you in designing the content of your website in order to facilitate the ease with which your ideal customers may locate you online. I wish you much luck in your business. The name Susan Friesen Related Articles: website design, new website content, best website strategy, and website content strategy. Send a Friend an Email with This Article Inside!Get Emails with Articles Just Like This One Delivered Straight to Your Inbox!Join now and it’s completely free!â