The use of euphemisms, inoffensive synonyms, bureaucratic jargon, and political correctness aims to influence society into passivity. Terminology is often used by political con artists on the international stage to obscure their hidden agendas using complex language. We encounter several perplexing euphemisms that are used to downplay a serious situation, such as a crisis, and make it seem little. Edward Snowden exposed that the USA government and its Western allies have adopted the normal practice of eavesdropping on civilians. The UK’s intelligence and security committee just released a report confirming that millions of individuals are being tracked and their conversations and virtual activities are being stored by GCHQ. Therefore, ‘mass surveillance’ is now referred to as ‘bulk collecting.’ The officials claim that the information has been gathered only for storage. However, it has been argued that this is deceptive since the data may be used by authorities on civilians without any responsibility. The breach of privacy and its intentionally misleading wording have developed an extensive collection. The US Senate Intelligence Committee has proposed a law called the ‘Cyber Security Information Sharing Act,’ which has faced criticism for possibly enabling companies to spy on internet users and share this information with the NSA (National Security Agency) of the US government. The euphemisms lexicon expands into military-related terminology. The term ‘abducting and relocating a suspected terrorist’ is now referred to as ‘extraordinary renditions,’ while ‘torture’ for prisoners is called ‘enhanced interrogation.’ Additionally, the act of ‘bombing certain countries’ is now described as ‘spreading western democracy.’ This refers to strategic modifications in the government structure to enable the USA to expand its control. In environmental terms, ‘wasteland’ is synonymous with ‘landfill,’ and as the late George Carlin put it, the Pentagon’s ‘nuclear measurement’ may be equated to ‘sunshine units.’ No information provided.Employing Orwellian euphemisms as a deceitful method to manipulate undesirable conditions is a tactic used to limit human freedom. Those with insight into the hidden agendas must inform others. Preserve the true meaning by consistently revealing the actual definitions of euphemisms; for example, ‘mass surveillance’ is synonymous with ‘bulk collecting.’ Defend our constitutional rights by speaking out loudly against the tyrants, no matter what it takes. Visit for other relevant articles, blogs, and videos. You can also access a free downloadable PDF called ‘The Greater Way and the New Paradigm Experience’. Presented by Paul A. Philips. The URL is: