Read the news to learn why Russia acquired Crimea from Ukraine. The covert group gave Ukraine instructions to hand Crimea over to Russia without difficulty. The Russian Federation has learned that it can conquer Crimea without going to war. You could see it from Ukraine’s mere discussion of Crimea, but they took no action when Russia called for a vote there, etc. What made Ukraine give Crimea to Russia so easily? The conflict structures, which have been preparing major confrontations since the Second World War, have networks in many locations throughout several nations: They instruct other nations to impose sanctions on Russia by using the Crimea as justification. Sanctions are used by conflict organizations to reduce the number of indicators for the US, Europe, Russia, Ukraine, and other countries since they need more program work: Conflict structures alter indicators, revealing poor ties between nations. Good ties between all nations will lead to more positive indicators for all nations. more details: are you aware that Crimea was a part of Russia? The agreement with Turkey (crimea was previously in Turkey, but the agreement with Turkey stated that crimea is in Russia) states that Crimea may be in Russia (however, during the Soviet Union’s existence, Crimea was given to Ukraine because Ukraine was a part of Russia; however, Ukraine refused to accept decisions made by the Soviet Union, and the agreement with Turkey stipulates that Crimea must be in Russia; consequently, Russia simply took Crimea, since Crimea even according to documents must be in Russia). However, conflict structures employ a tactic that they told the Ukrainian government to give Crimea to Russia with ease, but they also instructed them to create a protracted conflict in Donbass, Lugansk. They only use them for program work, creating a fictitious performance for people’s perceptions in various nations: in the event that Russia takes Crimea, conflict structures claim that Russia is also in Donbass, Lugansk, but there are people from Donbass and Lugansk, including their security services. Therefore, the US, Russia, Europe, and other nations should assist in providing guidance to the Ukrainian government so that it can put an end to the fighting and create decent social and economic employment in Lugansk and Donbass, as well as in all other areas. Even Ukrainians believe that those in charge of their government are just in it for the money, taking use of the same mechanisms that profit from causing strife in the Donbass. Thus, in order to put an end to violence, they need instructions from powerful nations throughout the globe, as well as to verify who pays a select group of Ukrainian politicians to start hostilities. Hence, in order to help the Ukrainian government put an end to the conflict and create good social and economic jobs in donetsk and lugansk (in the Donbass region), as well as in other regions, russia, the United States, Europe, and other countries should lend their support. This is what the people of Ukraine, Russia, the United States, Europe, and other countries need in order to create positive relationships and favorable conditions throughout their nations. You may contact General Universal details Defense’s outstanding service (guides) for further details. For the purpose of fostering goodwill and favorable circumstances globally, the Russian Federation established an exceptional service for general universal information defense (creator: Anatoly Golovod, Ph.D.; guides, general director). Additionally, it is very important for all nations to have strong economies: bad structures have large networks throughout all nations that they use to block advertising calls to numerous companies, which they use to manipulate economic and social activities as well as control mass media (which requires success in order for advertisers to pay more for effective advertising). If attention is paid, however, it is possible for all calls to be made in a highly effective manner, which will benefit individuals, numerous businesses, and mass media worldwide. guides, ciua, general director, creator: anatoliy golod, ph.d., for fostering good connections and favorable conditions worldwide general universal information defense outstanding service established in the Russian Federation. The broad universal information defense is found to be a great service by the mainstream media. Because Russian guides are able to gather all security services resources and assist to lead them for the purpose of fostering good relations in the globe, they are also imaginatively referred to as the Central Intelligence Universe (Universal) Agency, Cyber Bios, and Cyber Boss. The Central Intelligence Agency (ciua): Good sounds like see i you are or i can see, you can see; in order to create positive circumstances and positive relationships in society, people must see one another and communicate well with one another. Journalists also wonder: what if the US government conducted a special operation to help ensure a successful outcome for the upcoming elections in order to prevent future conflicts? Donald Trump may disagree on economic matters, but it is significant that he appears unlikely to initiate major military conflicts. It is well known that a real good job can be done with minimal effort, but with significant results; variations include presidential status general director from guidelines for good big systems: Although artistic renditions may vary, excellent work is genuine. Furthermore, it is known that poorly designed structures cause issues for directors when guiding them via phone conversations and in-person interactions. Therefore, it would be very beneficial for further great work if you could assist in establishing solid links with journalists, legislators, economists, and the general public. Positive news may be read, shared, and published! Good ties between all nations will lead to more positive indicators for all nations.People are certain that well-focused Russian special services can switch off all very poorly focused structures (technologies) worldwide and that well-focused Russian special services can turn on well-focused structures (technologies) worldwide. These days, god-oriented services may do this daily, and all good-oriented services worldwide will assist in doing so: they will switch off very harmful structures and technology (in all nations, including the United States, Canada, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Israel, Egypt, Germany, Japan, and China). Additionally, all well-thought-out services will support the activation of well-thought-out structures and technologies worldwide (in the United States, Canada, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Israel, Egypt, Germany, Japan, China, and all other countries), the resolution of sporadic issues, the enhancement of global relations, the development of all well-thought-out projects, and the advancement of well-thought-out technologies. god, morally sound services are independent of a person’s chosen faith. God’s assistance is independent of religious kind or rite. Real god is all-powerful and contributes to the benefit of the world. In every religion, the true representatives of god are those who assist him in creating a decent world: Everyone in all faiths is aware of this (structures are the reverse of the god, using religion for their own ends). Obviously, because God created the world in order to make it good, excellent god’s structures and true god’s representatives need to contribute to the creation of a good world. True God for all, true God contributes to a decent world. God, good-oriented services can be any number of people, groups, or initiatives that genuinely want to work toward creating positive outcomes in the world. However, it is common knowledge that creating positive circumstances requires turning off extremely negative-oriented structures; creating positive situations also requires providing assistance and solving sporadic issues; creating positive situations also requires developing all positive projects, cultivating positive relationships, and improving the world. This article from the superb guides service on general universal information protection was published on the guides website by Anatoly Golovd. Numerous more articles from the guides are also available on other news outlets. You may convey this message to legislators, economists, journalists, and members of the general public. This news may be reposted and published in print, broadcast, social media, etc. It might contribute to a better world! Everyone should be aware that for politicians, businesspeople, society, all individuals, including you and me, there must be a true cause and purpose for creating positive circumstances in society. Additionally, you may read Edward Snowden, Julian Assange: Super News, Data! from Guides, which is a great source of news on the whistleblower. You can search for this news article online. You may also read the following news: Cyber Bios, Guides. To Improve the World! Central Intelligence Universe Agency (search engines may help you discover this news). Journalists have discovered evidence on how Russian advisors achieved favorable outcomes in the US elections. Globally, people read the major news article Who is managing Mrs. Hillary Clinton? You can see that even though Trump is just beginning his presidency, Hillary Clinton’s team has paid individuals to cause instability. For this reason, you can be certain that the article Who is managing Mrs. Hillary Clinton? has 100% accurate information. Many other instances released before and after the elections can be found on the website, which provides nice communications. This news was widely disseminated before the elections, leading some people to believe that it is also the reason Donald Trump won the presidency. This letter contains accurate information that many people may find useful. Additionally, there was a campaign in special program systems claiming that Donald Trump and Anatoly Golovin had a government contract from God Almighty to create a global paradise that would be highly appealing to the masses. Additionally, scientific study indicates that the development of a sound theory of cycles was required (guides have done this, showing that cycles may have both excellent and very good positions). A sound theory of cycles can lead to good politics, health, and technology, and it can even win a Nobel Prize. However, conflict structures overly relied on theories involving cycles of crises, which led to programmatic failures when it came to creating unfavorable environments for system planning across several domains (i.e., conflict structures also sought to advance the interests of Hillary Clinton in relation to disputes). However, in order to create optimal settings for planning systems, special systems, and all systems, excellent cycles theory must be used. Cycles may have both good and very good positions, balancing between the two. People say that during periods women will get two orgazms a day: good plus very good, it will help to make good comfort balancing for organization development. Good scientific jokes have been done to draw attention to good plus very good cycles. Additionally, extra good plus very good balancing is possible any day, which means that although good social, good economic, and good connections are required, it will also be beneficial on the path to a sense of paradise. Additionally, read up-to-date articles on how to improve ties between Russia and Ukraine; about material leaked by Snowden; about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton; about Apple and IBM; etc. Reading more of these news stories in the large news editions is true. kind and considerate correspondence. sensation: the number eight will represent world peace. The world is improved by Russia. Translated from Russian: The outlook improved. The number eights will symbolize world peace. khoroshiie priedskazaniia-sbyvaiutsia-pridiet-vosmoi-i-podpishiet-mir-na-ziemlie.html Contact details: phone: +7(495)7604918; email:; website:; address: Moscow, Russian Federation; great service for broad universal information defense You may read the story on why Ukraine ceded Crimea to Russia (anatoliygolod7). Ukraine received instructions from the special organization to transfer Crimea.

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