About 80% of websites on the internet are hosted on Linux, making it an extremely popular hosting platform. Linux reseller web hosting has a significant benefit over Windows-based hosting: it is completely free. With the use of a reseller web hosting service, the host may create several subaccounts to market to different third parties from one user account. A domain name is a string collection that contains periods and indicates the address of a network connection as well as the user associated with that address. It could be necessary for a company entity to host many domains. The Linux Seller Web Hosting service enables users to host several domains from a single host account, allowing for infinite domain hosting. Let’s examine the reasons why, in the current hosting environment, multiple domain hosting is so crucial: •Lower investment, bigger returns: Since owning many websites increases traffic and revenue, most webmasters do so. All of this may be simply obtained in one location at a single cost by hosting several names. Using all of the hosting plan’s capacity and preventing bandwidth and space waste is also beneficial. •An extra benefit for web designers: As a significant subset of webmasters, web designers need the extra capability of several domains in order to host various websites. They must attend to the needs of customers who aren’t nearly as proficient in website management. For this group of web designers, having many domains is crucial to increasing their revenue by charging more for website administration. • Reasonable and affordable: There are a ton of web providers on the internet that offer various web hosting packages, but many fall short when it comes to giving plans for hosting several domains. Multiple domain hosting plans provide webmasters with a wonderful chance to handle more customer requests and increase their revenue in light of the weakening economy. As a result, this obstacle must be overcome and multiple domain hosting is necessary for the future. Among the benefits offered by Linux reseller hosting are: •Quick and efficient: One of the many advantages of using Linux reseller web hosting services is its lightning-fast speed and remarkable capability. It is quite beneficial for hosting several domains since it offers an extensive array of additional features for all of its hosting plans. •High reliability: Due to Linux reseller hosting’s high level of dependability, many commercial enterprises work with it. Linux offers many hosting packages based on different needs, such as disk space and bandwidth. •Special features: scripts and MySQL may be hosted on this kind of server. Additionally, it offers free software choices like Apache and AFP. • Security: Linux reseller operates on open-source technologies, which makes it very safe. Linux might be a popular choice since security can be a major issue when hosting several domains. Hostjinni is a fantastic choice for web hosting services in India since it is reasonably priced and offers a wide range of choices, as previously stated. Millions of consumers find it to be popular due to its high level of dependability. About the Author: Gauri Malhotra is a professional writer who specializes in writing about web hosting and SSL certificates. Gauri is attempting to increase public awareness about web security and hosting.