Such a basic, but deep, thing is breath. Everyone watches for the first scream or breath that indicates the baby is okay after they are delivered. We discuss a person’s last breath after they pass away. Breath indicates our arrival in the world, and its absence indicates our departure from it. I was doing ritual breath practice lately. I became aware of a back discomfort. It hurt! I decided to just be in the pain rather than try to resist it. I became aware that I was on the ground, with my hands’ palms resting on the blanket underneath me. I became aware of the back agony that was radiating. “I hear you,” my mind said. “Body, I hear you.” I then glided into the spiritual world on my breath, where my greatest self greeted me with open arms. “I’m here,” she said. “I’m with you here. Recognize your affection for yourself. I took another breath and fell back into the physical world, where I once again felt the anguish in my back. I glided across the spiritual level and returned to the earthly world for an hour. I came to see how easy it is to transition between the concrete, physical place we live in and the spiritual, nonphysical one. I had been criticizing myself earlier that day for not reflecting and meditating enough. What I was taught is that connecting doesn’t have to take hours. It might occur at any time. Seizing the moment is crucial when it comes to business. Take a break before throwing yourself into that meeting, your next blog piece, or a sales call. Inhale. Establish communication with your higher power or source by connecting with your highest self. Breathe in underneath your anxieties and fears, the core of who you really are. Breathe, knowing that your ideal clientele and the planet benefit from your presence. Inhale and extend an invitation to the source to be used for the collective benefit of everyone. Send out a gentle invitation that your ideal customers—the people you were designed to help—will be happy to accept. Breathe, feeling thankful for your being in this vast human soup where everyone is breathing in unison.

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