Marketers become agitated every time a social media network changes its timeline algorithms. Here are seven reasons why diversifying your social media efforts is becoming more and more crucial. This also applies to Twitter’s most recent upgrade to its timeline algorithm. Now, tweets will be arranged based on relevance rather than order of appearance. However, try not to let the anger and #riptwitter hashtags scare you. Twitter has rearranged its timelines, however you may manually return to the previous chronological timeline look by going into your settings. Just go to your preferences and look for the “display me the best tweets first” checkbox: Make sure it is unchecked in the Twitter timeline settings so that your tweets resume their chronological sequence. reasons to broaden your social media presence One reason it’s crucial to spread your social media efforts across many platforms is the recent “twittergeddon.” Even while you could seem to be “winning the game” with a large following and your finest posts appearing in their timelines, all it takes is one modification in an algorithm to completely alter the game. It has happened on Facebook, and it is possible for it to occur on any social media platform that company owners use to advertise their brands. what should be done in order to bulletproof your social media accounts? Increase the variety of your endeavors. Here are seven strong arguments for concentrating on many social media platforms: 1. Astute marketers, company owners, and entrepreneurs are realizing that posting original material on many social media networks will mitigate any abrupt changes made by Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other platforms. 2. Publishing unique content on several social media platforms, such as articles, quotations, and images, provides you with many chances to provide value to your following. 3. It’s crucial to understand that many admirers also “hang out” on their own preferred social media platforms. Therefore, offering your guidance across a variety of social media channels guarantees that you can reach your followers online, wherever they may be. You may modify the content to make it more engaging and intriguing for each platform’s audience, even if you only have time to distribute it once across a few. 4. It allows you to test markets and cross-pollinate to find out which version of the post receives the most level of interaction. It enables you to “test market” ideas for headlines, graphics, messaging tenor, etc. that you may use for advertising, landing pages, and promotional content in the future. 5. By publishing content on many social media platforms, you may optimize your efforts for generating leads and increasing visitors. 6. You may double or even treble your outreach to prospective prospects by publishing blog posts, offers, and calls to action on each social network, since you probably have different followers on each one. 7. By posting original material across all of your networks, you can cultivate followers faster. A fanatic fan may read your postings on twitter, facebook, and linkedin to obtain an enormous dosage of your knowledge rather than receiving just one marketing touch on Facebook. Three times as much fun! In summary, if your company is restricted to using a single social media network for marketing purposes, you are missing out on a chance to connect with a wider range of qualified prospects. We can help you get more followers and produce high-interest material to keep your fans interested if you’re finding it difficult to consistently produce high-value content for your company. Learn more about our social media offerings right now! to your prosperity, Susan Friesen