Have you ever taken the time to give some serious consideration to the views that you have around money? Were you aware that a significant number of our views on money were formed throughout our childhood? It is possible that our parents or other prominent persons in our life had a role in the formation of some of those views without our knowledge. Other people are the result of our own personal experiences, particularly the terrible ones we have had in the past. For other people, the dread of writing checks stems from the fact that they have bounced a significant number of checks in the past. Some people experience it as a dread of becoming successful. Certain ideas are beneficial to us and serve us well, while others are detrimental to our progress. When we have negative views about money, they restrict us and prevent us from moving forward because they prevent us from taking in knowledge that is in opposition to those beliefs. Because of them, we are unable to perceive how to create changes that are important. As long as we continue to be constrained by unfavorable beliefs about money that are not beneficial to us, we will continue to go through life blindly adhering to those unfavorable beliefs, without giving them any conscious thought or coming to the realization that we have other options available to us. Both the bad energy that these thoughts generate in our life and the negative beliefs themselves are the root cause of self-sabotage. The important thing is to become more conscious of the ideas you have around money. You will constantly have the feeling that you are engaged in a battle with yourself if you continue to allow negative ideas dictate your relationship with money via your actions. In terms of money, the following are some of the most prevalent negative beliefs: The more money I have, the better my life will be. Money is a negative thing. There are also the beliefs that “money is the source of all evil,” “money is unimportant,” “I don’t deserve money,” and “if you are virtuous, God or the universe will provide for you.” These beliefs are prevalent in some religious communities. As the saying says, “it is more blessed to give than to receive,” this goes hand in hand with that. Are there any of these beliefs that you identify with? Have you been unable to go on because of these ideas, possibly on a subconscious level? Your children, on the other hand – What kinds of views about money are they taking in? The last thing you want is for them to continue to hold onto bad ideas and behaviors. It is essential to liberate yourself, not just for your own sake but also to ensure that your children will also have the opportunity to enjoy freedom and achievement. If you have a belief that is giving you discomfort, you have the ability to replace it with a belief that will get you closer to the place in your life that you want to be. You have the ability to transform your negative thoughts into good ones. Increasing the quality of your thinking is the key to increasing the amount of money you have. If you want to make a long-term change to your financial future, you need to make a deliberate effort to alter your ideas on money. Think about the beliefs you have about money. Make a decision as to which ones will help you go to the next level and which ones need to be replaced with ones that are more positive. In order to change a thought that is preventing you from moving forward, the first step is to acknowledge that you have such a belief. The discovery of a mentor or coach who has been in your position and can help you navigate the labyrinth in an immeasurably more expedient manner will also make a significant impact throughout the process. Blessed & Rich was established by Melissa Cappleman, who is a spiritual prosperity specialist and the creator of the company. When she works with spiritually open female entrepreneurs and women in corporations who struggle with the value they bring to their work, she liberates them to step into their unique brilliance and live the happy, balanced life of their dreams. “She works with spiritually open female entrepreneurs and women in corporations.” More information may be found at www.blessedandrich.com, where you can also register for her six-week bootcamp. Should I really expect to get paid that much?