Since the appearance of garcinia cambogia and raspberry ketones on the Dr. Oz Show, I have been receiving a lot of inquiries about the function that these two substances play in the HCG diet, and more especially in the HCG 2.0 diet. Allow me to begin by stating that the garcinia cambogia and raspberry ketones are not required to be used in conjunction with the HCG 2.0 diet program. This is before I proceed to discuss how these two substances function to assist weight reduction. In spite of the absence of raspberry ketones and garcinia cambogia, it is still possible for you to get optimal results with your HCG 2.0 procedure. However, if you have previously battled with weight reduction, they may offer the additional boost that is necessary to hasten your weight loss and sustain it after you have finished the diet. Observe the following… In conjunction with the phase of your HCG diet that focuses on consuming less calories, you should make use of raspberry ketones. One of the hormones that they control is called adiponectin, and it has been shown that it may either lyse fat cells or kill them. The fact that the quantity of fat cells that we have does not fluctuate is an intriguing aspect of this situation. The propensity of adipose cells, sometimes known as fat cells, to enlarge and increase as they acquire fatty acids is a really interesting phenomenon. As long as we keep eating, they will continue to expand their size. In order to provide us with more calories, the excess fatty acids that are stored in our adipose cells are drained via the process of dieting and exerting ourselves physically. That is what leads to a reduction in body weight. Raspberry ketones are able to help speed up this process, which is a significant benefit. The effects of garcinia cambogia are the same, despite the fact that it operates in a completely different manner. Carbohydrates are a source of immediately available fuel for humans. Frequently, as is the case with the typical American diet, the fuel is so highly refined and processed that the immediate surge of incoming calories cannot be immediately utilized. As a result, the liver converts the fuel into fat, which is then stored in our adipose cells, which are distributed throughout the body in a systemic manner. The terrible reality is that a disproportionate number of these adipose cells are found in all of the parts of our bodies where we do not want them to reside, such as our stomachs, thighs, necks, and other locations. The fat that is already stored in our adipose cells is targeted by raspberry ketones, as was stated in the paragraph that came before this one. Garcinia cambogia, on the other hand, disrupts the process by which the carbohydrates that we consume are converted into fat and stored in our bodies. Because of this, the extra carbohydrates are eliminated from our bodies via the liver and kidneys, rather than being stored in our stomachs. As a result of the method by which both products function, I would suggest that you combine the low-calorie phase of your HCG 2.0 diet with the raspberry ketones, and that you wait to add the garcinia cambogia until you reach the maintenance phase of your diet. Considering that the HCG 2.0 diet protocol is more of a ketosis-based diet, you are not consuming enough carbohydrates during the low-calorie phase to necessitate the need for the garcinia cambogia. However, it could be very helpful when you enter the maintenance phase of the HCG diet protocol and begin introducing carbohydrates into your diet.

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