Would you want to lose your vision by taking an eyelash growth booster that requires a prescription? I am not sure about you, but I will never, ever put a chemical on my eyes. I will never do it. It was important to me to make sure that the natural eyelash growth booster I picked was safe. Whenever I am given a prescription for any kind of medication or pill, I always make an effort to learn about natural alternatives. I was taken aback when I learned that the eyelash enhancer that required a prescription was really severe. I will list the effects at the bottom of this post, which may be found below. mostly due to the fact that I am growing older and I truly wanted to regain my magnificent eyelashes back that I used to have. When I tried the mascaras that are intended to increase the thickness and length of your eyelashes, I ended up with eyelashes that were clumpy and stuck together. In addition to that, I attempted to put on the artificial eyelashes. When I put it on, it is quite difficult to do so since there was adhesive that was adhered to my eyes. I performed some research by reading books and using the internet to get information. After that, I presented my findings to my ophthalmologist and inquired about the possibility of using one of the two natural eyelash growth boosters that I had discovered to be effective against my eyelashes. It was his consent that I could use any one. During my research, I looked into the following specifics: the type of ingredients, how the ingredients work, the quantity of ingredients, whether or not they have been tested, whether or not they are safe, what the potential risks are, whether or not they have demonstrated clinical results, how long it takes for the solution to work, how to apply it, how difficult it is to apply, how frequently you need to apply the solution, whether or not there is a money-back guarantee, how long the guarantee is good for, and finally, how much does it cost? In addition, I discovered that dermatologists and ophthalmologists, as well as producers of the television program “The Doctors,” approved the components of eyelash enhancer systems. I tried out both elastlash and idollash after doing some research. I applied one to each eye. I chose these two because of the contents, the fact that they offered a money-back guarantee, and the fact that I only needed to apply these products once per day, which allowed me to save both money and my valuable time. Idollash seems to provide effects more quickly, although elastlash was equally effective. My eyelashes are now thicker and longer than they were when I was younger. I have finally regained them. Ageing is a challenging process. Please visit my website, eyelashgrowthenhancer1.com, in order to get all of the answers to the questions that I have throughout my study into natural eyelash growth enhancers. as a result of using eyelash enhancers that need a prescription: or a combination of these factors, include: burning sensation (eyelid), eye swelling, eyelid irritation, eyelid edema, eyelids pruritus, iris hyperpigmentation, lacrimation increased, temporary loss of a few lashes to loss of sections of eyelashes, and temporary eyelash breakage, lid changes associated with a deepening of the eyelid sulcus, dry eye, rash to the eyelids, reduction of eye pressure, dry eyes, burning of eyes, eye pain, discharge, tearing, abnormal eye growth, headaches, colds or upper respiratory infections, skin discoloration and vision blurred, etc. One or more of these disorders was present in four percent of patients, which is equivalent to four out of every one hundred individuals.